Supported operations

The most common operations over the data are suported by ts-sql-query; in the case the database don't support it, an emulation is provided, if an emulation is not possible you will get an error during the compilation of your source code.

Some API are fluent API, that means, every function you call returns an object that contains the functions that you can call in that step.

Here is shown a simplified version of the ts-sql-query APIs.

Operations definitions

All values managed by the database are represented as a subclass of ValueSource, almost all methods listed here support the TypeScript value and the database value (as overload).

The methods which name ends with IfValue do the same that the one without IfValue but only if the provided value(s) are different to undefined, null, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array, otherwise it is ignored.

Be aware, in the database, when null is part of an operation the result of the operation is null (It is not represented in the following definition but it is implemented)

All the data manipulation operations are implemented as a methods inside the value, that means if you what to calculate the abolute, in sql is abs(value) but in ts-sql-query is reprecented as value.abs().

interface ValueSource<T> {
    isConstValue(): boolean
     * It returns the proper type of the value, instead of the any type included here to simplify
     * If the value source is not a const value it throws an error
    getConstValue(): any
     * Throw an error if the value source is used in the generated sql query when the boolean value provided as argument is false
    allowWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string): this
    allowWhen(when: boolean, error: Error): this
     * Throw an error if the value source is used in the generated sql query when the boolean value provided as argument is true
    disallowWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string): this
    disallowWhen(when: boolean, error: Error): this

interface NullableValueSource<T> extends ValueSource<T> {
    isNull(): BooleanValueSource
    isNotNull(): BooleanValueSource
    valueWhenNull(value: T | this): this
    nullIfValue(value: T | this): this
    asOptional(): this
    asRequiredInOptionalObject(): this
    onlyWhenOrNull(when: boolean): this
    ignoreWhenAsNull(when: boolean): this

interface EqualableValueSource<T> extends NullableValueSource<T> {
    equalsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    equals(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    notEqualsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notEquals(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    isIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    /** 'is' is the same that equals, but returns true when booth are null */
    is(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    isNotIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    isNot(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource

    inIfValue(values: T[] | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    in(values: T[] | this[]): BooleanValueSource
    in(select: Subquery): BooleanValueSource
    notInIfValue(values: T[] | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notIn(values: T[] | this[]): BooleanValueSource
    notIn(select: Subquery): BooleanValueSource
    inN(...value: T[] | this[]): BooleanValueSource
    notInN(...value: T[] | this[]): BooleanValueSource

interface ComparableValueSource<T> extends EqualableValueSource<T> {
    lessThanIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    lessThan(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    greaterThanIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    greaterThan(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    lessOrEqualsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    lessOrEquals(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    greaterOrEqualsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    greaterOrEquals(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    between(value: T | this, value2: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    notBetween(value: T | this, value2: T | this): BooleanValueSource

    /** @deprecated use lessThanIfValue method instead */
    smallerIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use lessThan method instead */
    smaller(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use greaterThanIfValue method instead */
    largerIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use greaterThan method instead */
    larger(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use lessOrEqualsIfValue method instead */
    smallAsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use lessOrEquals method instead */
    smallAs(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use greaterOrEqualsIfValue method instead */
    largeAsIfValue(value: T | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated use greaterOrEquals method instead */
    largeAs(value: T | this): BooleanValueSource

 * Represents a boolean
interface BooleanValueSource extends EqualableValueSource<boolean> {
    negate(): this
    and(value: boolean): this
    or(value: boolean): this
    /** This function returns a boolean expression that only applies if the argument is true */
    onlyWhen(condition: boolean): this
    /** This function returns a boolean expression that only applies if the argument is false, it is ignored when true */
    ignoreWhen(condition: boolean): this
    /** This function allows to return a true value when null or undefined were provided to the *IfValue function */
    trueWhenNoValue(): this
    /** This function allows to return a false value when null or undefined were provided to the *IfValue function */
    falseWhenNoValue(): this
    /** This function allows to return a value when null or undefined were provided to the *IfValue function */
    valueWhenNoValue(value: boolean | this): this

 * Represents an int or a double
interface NumberValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<number> {
    asInt(): NumberValueSource
    asDouble(): NumberValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    asStringInt(): StringNumberValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    asStringDouble(): StringNumberValueSource
    asBigint(): BigintValueSource
    abs(): this
    ceil(): this
    floor(): this
    round(): this
    exp(): this
    ln(): this
    log10(): this
    sqrt(): this
    cbrt(): this
    sign(): this
    acos(): this
    asin(): this
    atan(): this
    cos(): this
    cot(): this
    sin(): this
    tan(): this
    power(value: number | this): this
    logn(value: number | this): this
    roundn(value: number | this): this
     * This function establish a minimum value for the current value, that means the biggest value must be returned
    minValue(value: number | this): this
     * This function establish a maximun value for the current value, that means the smallest value must be returned
    maxValue(value: number | this): this
    add(value: number | this): this
    substract(value: number | this): this
    multiply(value: number | this): this
    divide(value: number | this): this
    modulo(value: number | this): this
    /** @deprecated use modulo method instead */
    mod(value: number | this): this
    atan2(value: number | this): this

 * Represents a stringInt or a stringDouble
 * @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead
interface StringNumberValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<string|number> {
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    asStringInt(): StringNumberValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    asStringDouble(): StringNumberValueSource
    asBigint(): BigintValueSource
    abs(): this
    ceil(): this
    floor(): this
    round(): this
    exp(): this
    ln(): this
    log10(): this
    sqrt(): this
    cbrt(): this
    sign(): NumberValueSource
    acos(): this
    asin(): this
    atan(): this
    cos(): this
    cot(): this
    sin(): this
    tan(): this
    power(value: number|string | this): this
    logn(value: number|string | this): this
    roundn(value: number|string | this): this
     * This function establish a minimum value for the current value, that means the biggest value must be returned
    minValue(value: number|string | this): this
     * This function establish a maximun value for the current value, that means the smallest value must be returned
    maxValue(value: number|string | this): this
    add(value: number|string | this): this
    substract(value: number|string | this): this
    multiply(value: number|string | this): this
    divide(value: number|string | this): this
    modulo(value: number|string | this): this
    /** @deprecated use modulo method instead */
    mod(value: number|string | this): this
    atan2(value: number|string | this): this

 * Represents a bigint
interface BigintValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<bigint> {
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    asStringNumber(): StringNumberValueSource
    abs(): this
    ceil(): this
    floor(): this
    round(): this
    sign(): NumberValueSource
     * This function establish a minimum value for the current value, that means the biggest value must be returned
    minValue(value: bigint | this): this
     * This function establish a maximun value for the current value, that means the smallest value must be returned
    maxValue(value: bigint | this): this
    add(value: bigint | this): this
    substract(value: bigint | this): this
    multiply(value: bigint | this): this
    modulo(value: bigint | this): this
    /** @deprecated use modulo method instead */
    mod(value: bigint | this): this

 * Represents a string
interface StringValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<string> {
    equalsInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    equalsInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notEqualsInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notEqualsInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    likeIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    like(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notLikeIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notLike(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    likeInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    likeInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notLikeInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notLikeInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    startsWithIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    startsWith(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notStartsWithIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notStartsWith(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    endsWithIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    endsWith(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notEndsWithIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notEndsWith(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    startsWithInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    startsWithInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notStartsWithInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notStartsWithInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    endsWithInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    endsWithInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notEndsWithInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notEndsWithInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    containsIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    contains(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notContainsIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notContains(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    containsInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    containsInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    notContainsInsensitiveIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): BooleanValueSource
    notContainsInsensitive(value: string | this): BooleanValueSource
    toLowerCase(): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use toLowerCase method instead */
    lower(): StringValueSource
    toUpperCase(): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use toUpperCase method instead */
    upper(): StringValueSource
    length(): NumberValueSource
    trim(): StringValueSource
    trimLeft(): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use trimLeft method instead */
    ltrim(): StringValueSource
    trimRight(): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use trimRight method instead */
    rtrim(): StringValueSource
    reverse(): StringValueSource
    concatIfValue(value: string | null | undefined): StringValueSource
    concat(value: string | this): StringValueSource
    substrToEnd(start: number | NumberValueSource): StringValueSource
    substringToEnd(start: number | NumberValueSource): StringValueSource
    substr(start: number | NumberValueSource, count: number | NumberValueSource): StringValueSource
    substring(start: number | NumberValueSource, end: number | NumberValueSource): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use replaceAllIfValue method instead */
    replaceIfValue(findString: string | null | undefined, replaceWith: string | null | undefined): StringValueSource
    replaceAllIfValue(findString: string | null | undefined, replaceWith: string | null | undefined): StringValueSource
    /** @deprecated use replaceAll method instead */
    replace(findString: string | this, replaceWith: string | this): StringValueSource
    replaceAll(findString: string | this, replaceWith: string | this): StringValueSource

 * Represents an UUID
 interface UuidValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<string> {
    asString(): StringValueSource

 * Represents a local date without time (using a Date object)
interface DateValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<Date> {
    /** Gets the year */
    getFullYear(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the month (value between 0 to 11)*/
    getMonth(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month */
    getDate(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day of the week (0 represents Sunday) */
    getDay(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents a local time without date (using a Date object)
interface TimeValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<Date> {
    /** Gets the hours */
    getHours(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the minutes */
    getMinutes(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the seconds */
    getSeconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the milliseconds */
    getMilliseconds(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents a local date with time (using a Date object)
interface DateTimeValueSource extends ComparableValueSource<Date> {
    /** Gets the year */
    getFullYear(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the month (value between 0 to 11)*/
    getMonth(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month */
    getDate(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day of the week (0 represents Sunday) */
    getDay(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the hours */
    getHours(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the minutes */
    getMinutes(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the seconds */
    getSeconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the milliseconds */
    getMilliseconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the time value in milliseconds */
    getTime(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents a custom int
interface CustomIntValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    abs(): this
    ceil(): this
    floor(): this
    round(): this
    sign(): NumberValueSource
     * This function establish a minimum value for the current value, that means the biggest value must be returned
    minValue(value: T | this): this
     * This function establish a maximun value for the current value, that means the smallest value must be returned
    maxValue(value: T | this): this
    add(value: T | this): this
    substract(value: T | this): this
    multiply(value: T | this): this
    modulo(value: T | this): this
    /** @deprecated use modulo method instead */
    mod(value: T | this): this

 * Represents a custom double
interface CustomDoubleValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    abs(): this
    ceil(): this
    floor(): this
    round(): this
    exp(): this
    ln(): this
    log10(): this
    sqrt(): this
    cbrt(): this
    sign(): NumberValueSource
    acos(): this
    asin(): this
    atan(): this
    cos(): this
    cot(): this
    sin(): this
    tan(): this
    power(value: T | this): this
    logn(value: T | this): this
    roundn(value: T | this): this
     * This function establish a minimum value for the current value, that means the biggest value must be returned
    minValue(value: T | this): this
     * This function establish a maximun value for the current value, that means the smallest value must be returned
    maxValue(value: T | this): this
    add(value: T | this): this
    substract(value: T | this): this
    multiply(value: T | this): this
    divide(value: T | this): this
    modulo(value: T | this): this
    /** @deprecated use modulo method instead */
    mod(value: T | this): this
    atan2(value: T | this): this

 * Represents a custom UUID
interface CustomUuidValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    asString(): StringValueSource

 * Represents a custom local date without time (using a Date object)
interface CustomLocalDateValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    /** Gets the year */
    getFullYear(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the month (value between 0 to 11)*/
    getMonth(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month */
    getDate(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day of the week (0 represents Sunday) */
    getDay(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents a custom local time without date (using a Date object)
interface CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    /** Gets the hours */
    getHours(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the minutes */
    getMinutes(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the seconds */
    getSeconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the milliseconds */
    getMilliseconds(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents a custom local date with time (using a Date object)
interface CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T> extends ComparableValueSource<T> {
    /** Gets the year */
    getFullYear(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the month (value between 0 to 11)*/
    getMonth(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month */
    getDate(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the day of the week (0 represents Sunday) */
    getDay(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the hours */
    getHours(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the minutes */
    getMinutes(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the seconds */
    getSeconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the milliseconds */
    getMilliseconds(): NumberValueSource
    /** Gets the time value in milliseconds */
    getTime(): NumberValueSource

 * Represents the result of an aggregate as object array
interface AggregatedArrayValueSource<T> extends ValueSource<T> {
    useEmptyArrayForNoValue(): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>
    asOptionalNonEmptyArray(): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>
    asRequiredInOptionalObject(): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>
    onlyWhenOrNull(when: boolean): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>
    ignoreWhenAsNull(when: boolean): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>

interface AggregatedArrayValueSourceProjectableAsNullable<T> extends AggregatedArrayValueSource<T> {
    /** Returns the optional values as null instead of optional undefined values */
    projectingOptionalValuesAsNullable(): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>

Connection definition

interface Connection {
    /** Query runner used to create the connection */
    readonly queryRunner: QueryRunner

    // Transaction management
    beginTransaction(): Promise<void>
    commit(): Promise<void>
    rollback(): Promise<void>
    isTransactionActive(): boolean
    transaction<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>[]): Promise<T[]>
    transaction<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>
    // Fuctions that allow to defer a code execution till the end of the transaction
    executeBeforeNextCommit(fn: ()=> void): void
    executeBeforeNextCommit(fn: ()=> Promise<void>): void
    executeAfterNextCommit(fn: ()=> void): void
    executeAfterNextCommit(fn: ()=> Promise<void>): void
    executeAfterNextRollback(fn: ()=> void): void
    executeAfterNextRollback(fn: ()=> Promise<void>): void

    // Querying
    insertInto(table: Table): InsertExpression
    update(table: Table): UpdateExpression
    updateAllowingNoWhere(table: Table): UpdateExpression
    deleteFrom(table: Table): DeleteExpression
    deleteAllowingNoWhereFrom(table: Table): DeleteExpression
    selectFrom(table: Table | View): SelectExpression
    selectDistinctFrom(table: Table | View): SelectExpression
    selectFromNoTable(): SelectExpression

    // These methods allows to create a subquery that depends of a outer table defined in the main query 
    subSelectUsing(table: Table | View): SelectExpression
    subSelectUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View): SelectExpression
    subSelectUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View, table3: Table | View): SelectExpression
    subSelectDistinctUsing(table: Table | View): SelectExpression
    subSelectDistinctUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View): SelectExpression
    subSelectDistinctUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View, table3: Table | View): SelectExpression

    // default value for use in insert queries
    default(): Default

    // values that can be returned by the database
    pi(): NumberValueSource
    random(): NumberValueSource
    currentDate(): DateValueSource
    currentTime(): TimeValueSource
    currentDateTime(): DateTimeValueSource
    currentTimestamp(): DateTimeValueSource
    true(): BooleanValueSource
    false(): BooleanValueSource

    // methods that allows to create a value source with a constant value
    const(value: boolean, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    const(value: number | string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    const(value: number, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    const(value: number, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    const(value: number | string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    const(value: number, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    const(value: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    const(value: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    const(value: Date, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    const(value: Date, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    const(value: Date, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    const<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // methods that allows to create a value source with an optional constant value
    optionalConst(value: boolean | null | undefined, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalConst(value: number | string | null | undefined, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalConst(value: number | null | undefined, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalConst(value: number | null | undefined, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalConst(value: number | string | null | undefined, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalConst(value: number | null | undefined, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalConst(value: string | null | undefined, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalConst(value: string | null | undefined, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalConst(value: Date | null | undefined, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalConst(value: Date | null | undefined, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalConst(value: Date | null | undefined, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T | null | undefined, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T | null | undefined, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalConst<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(value: T | null | undefined, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // allows to use the exits function on a subquery
    exists(select: Subquery): BooleanValueSource
    notExists(select: Subquery): BooleanValueSource

    // aggregate functions
    /** count(*) */
    countAll(): NumberValueSource
    /** count(value) */
    count(value: AnyValueSource): NumberValueSource
    /** count(distinct value) */
    countDistinct(value: AnyValueSource): NumberValueSource
    /** max(value) */
    max<TYPE extends ComparableValueSource<any>>(value: TYPE): TYPE
    /** min(value) */
    min<TYPE extends ComparableValueSource<any>>(value: TYPE): TYPE
    /** sum(value) */
    sum(value: NumberValueSource): NumberValueSource
    sum(value: StringNumberValueSource): StringNumberValueSource
    sum<T>(value: CustomIntValueSource<T>): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    sum<T>(value: CustomDoubleValueSource<T>): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    /** sum(distinct value) */
    sumDistinct(value: NumberValueSource): NumberValueSource
    sumDistinct(value: StringNumberValueSource): StringNumberValueSource
    sumDistinct<T>(value: CustomIntValueSource<T>): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    sumDistinct<T>(value: CustomDoubleValueSource<T>): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    /** avg(value) */
    average(value: NumberValueSource): NumberValueSource
    average(value: StringNumberValueSource): StringNumberValueSource
    average<T>(value: CustomIntValueSource<T>): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    average<T>(value: CustomDoubleValueSource<T>): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    /** avg(disctinct value) */
    averageDistinct(value: NumberValueSource): NumberValueSource
    averageDistinct(value: StringNumberValueSource): StringNumberValueSource
    averageDistinct<T>(value: CustomIntValueSource<T>): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    averageDistinct<T>(value: CustomDoubleValueSource<T>): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    /** group_concat(value, separator) sometimes called string_agg or listagg. The default separator is ',' */
    stringConcat(value: StringValueSource, separator?: string): StringValueSource
    /** group_concat(distinct value, separator) sometimes called string_agg or listagg. The default separator is ',' */
    stringConcatDistinct(value: StringValueSource, separator?: string): StringValueSource
    /** Aggregate as object array */
    aggregateAsArray<T extends SelectValues>(columns: T): AggregatedArrayValueSourceProjectableAsNullable<T>
    aggregateAsArrayDistinct<T extends SelectValues>(columns: T): AggregatedArrayValueSourceProjectableAsNullable<T>
    aggregateAsArrayOfOneColumn<T>(value: ValueSource<T>): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>
    aggregateAsArrayOfOneColumnDistinct<T>(value: ValueSource<T>): AggregatedArrayValueSource<T>

    // Methods that allows create SQL fragments
    fragmentWithType(type: 'boolean', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    fragmentWithType(type: 'stringInt', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'int', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'bigint', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    fragmentWithType(type: 'stringDouble', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'double', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'string', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'uuid', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'localDate', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'localTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType(type: 'localDateTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression
    fragmentWithType<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): FragmentExpression

     * This is a template, you can call as: .rawFragment`sql text with ${valueSourceParam}` 
    rawFragment(sql: TemplateStringsArray, ...p: Array<AnyValueSource | Subquery>): RawFragment

    // Protected methods that allows call a stored procedure
    executeProcedure(procedureName: string, params: AnyValueSource[]): Promise<void>

    // Protected methods that allows call a function
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'boolean', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<boolean>
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'stringInt', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<number>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'int', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<number>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'bigint', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<bigint>
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'stringDouble', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<number>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'double', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<number>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'string', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<string>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'uuid', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<string>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'localDate', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<Date>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'localTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<Date>
    executeFunction(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'localDateTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<Date>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customInt', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customDouble', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customUuid', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'enum', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'custom', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>
    executeFunction<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(functionName: string, params: AnyValueSource[], returnType: 'customComparable', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Promise<T>

    // Protected methods to define a sequence (only available in oracle, postgreSql and sqlServer)
    sequence(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<BooleanValueSource>
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    sequence(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<StringNumberValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<NumberValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<BigintValueSource>
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    sequence(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<StringNumberValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<NumberValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<StringValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<UuidValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<DateValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<TimeValueSource>
    sequence(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<DateTimeValueSource>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomIntValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomDoubleValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomUuidValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<EqualableValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<EqualableValueSource<T>>
    sequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): Sequence<ComparableValueSource<T>>

    // Protected methods to define reusable fragments
     * Allows to define arguments that acept the value or a value source of the type specified
    arg(type: 'boolean', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    arg(type: 'stringInt', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'int', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'bigint', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    arg(type: 'stringDouble', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'double', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'string', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'uuid', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'localDate', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'localTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg(type: 'localDateTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    arg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument

     * Allows to define arguments that acept the value (but no a value source) of the type specified
    valueArg(type: 'boolean', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    valueArg(type: 'stringInt', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'int', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'bigint', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    valueArg(type: 'stringDouble', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'double', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'string', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'uuid', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'localDate', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'localTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg(type: 'localDateTime', required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument
    valueArg<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, required: 'required' | 'optional', adapter?: TypeAdapter): Argument

     * This functions receive the argument definition that you can create calling the arg function or the valueArg function.
     * You can specify up to 5 argument definitions
    buildFragmentWithArgs(...argumentDefinitions: Argument[]): FragmentBuilder
    buildFragmentWithArgsIfValue(...argumentDefinitions: Argument[]): FragmentBuilderIfValue
    buildFragmentWithMaybeOptionalArgs(...argumentDefinitions: Argument[]): FragmentBuilderMaybeOptional

     * Return the same special neutral boolean mark returned by the IfValue functions when there is no value
    noValueBoolean(): BooleanValueSource

     * Return the same special neutral boolean mark returned by the IfValue functions when there is no value in a way it can be used
     * to create dynamic boolean expression where the variable is reasigned (it have a stable type)
    dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing(table: Table | View): BooleanValueSource
    dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View): BooleanValueSource
    dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View, table3: Table | View): BooleanValueSource
    dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View, table3: Table | View,  table4: Table | View): BooleanValueSource
    dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing(table1: Table | View, table2: Table | View, table3: Table | View,  table4: Table | View,  table5: Table | View): BooleanValueSource

     * Allows to create a condition where the criteria is provided by an external system
    dynamicConditionFor(definition: { [key: string ]: AnyValueSource }): DynamicConditionExpression

     * The fn function will receive as first argument the table name as ValueSource,
     * as the second argument is the alias of the table as ValueSource
     * The number of additional arguments in the fn function is the same in the resulting function (up to 5 arguments).
     * The first argument of the returned function is the table or view, the second argument
     * is a name for the customization; the additional arguments are the same defined in the fn function.
    createTableOrViewCustomization(fn: (table: AnyValueSource, alias: AnyValueSource, ...params: any[]) => RawFragment): (tableOrView: Table | View, name: string, ...params: any[]) => CustomizedTableOrView

     * Configurations

     * Protected property that allows changing the behaviour of empty string treatment.
     * By default empty string as treated as null, if you want to allow to send and receive empty string to the database set this property to true
     * Default value: false
    allowEmptyString: boolean

    /** Protected method that allows to transform the values received from the database */
    transformValueFromDB(value: unknown, type: string): unknown
    /** Protected method that allows to transform the values that will be send to the database */
    transformValueToDB(value: unknown, type: string): unknown
    /** Protected method that allows to customize the value placeholder in the query */
    transformPlaceholder(placeholder: string, type: string, forceTypeCast: boolean, valueSentToDB: unknown): string

    /** Protected method that returns true if the provided string is a reserved keyword, otherwise return false */
    isReservedWord(word: string): boolean
    /** Protected method that returns the provided string as a indefier quoting it all the time */
    forceAsIdentifier(identifier: string): string
     * Protected method that returns the provided identifier escaped.
     * The default implementation quote the identifier only if it is a reserved keyword.
     * If you want all identifiers quoted, you must reimplement this function returning the result of the forceAsIdentifier function.
    escape(identifier: string, strict: boolean): string

interface FragmentExpression {
     * This is a template, you can call as: .sql`sql text with ${valueSourceParam}` 
     * You can specify up to 7 parameters.
    sql(sql: TemplateStringsArray, ...p: AnyValueSource[]): AnyValueSource

interface FragmentBuilder {
     * The impl function will receive the proper ValueSource type according to the argument definition.
     * The nunber of arguments is the same specified in the function buildFragmentWithArgs (up to 5 arguments).
     * The arguments of the returned function will have the proper parameters type.
    as(impl: (...args: AnyValueSource[]) => AnyValueSource): (...args: any) => AnyValueSource

interface FragmentBuilderIfValue {
     * The impl function will receive the proper ValueSource type according to the argument definition.
     * The nunber of arguments is the same specified in the function buildFragmentWithArgsIfValue (up to 5 arguments).
     * Any optional valueArg will be treated as required, the function received as argument will be not called if
     * that argument receives null or undefined.
     * The arguments of the returned function will have the proper parameters type.
    as(impl: (...args: AnyValueSource[]) => AnyValueSource): (...args: any) => BooleanValueSource

interface FragmentBuilderMaybeOptional {
     * The impl function will receive the proper ValueSource type according to the argument definition.
     * The nunber of arguments is the same specified in the function buildFragmentWithArgs (up to 5 arguments).
     * The arguments of the returned function will have the proper parameters type.
     * The function will return an optional value if any of the provided arguments when invoked is optional; 
     * otherwise, the return type will be marked as required.
     * All arguments that can be optional must be marked as optional; the return fragment must be marked as optional.
    as(impl: (...args: AnyValueSource[]) => AnyValueSource): (...args: any) => AnyValueSource

interface Sequence<T> {
    nextValue(): T
    currentValue(): T

interface DynamicConditionExpression {
    withValues(filter: DynamicFilter): BooleanValueSource

Table definition

interface Table {
    /** Allows to define an alias for the table to be used in the selects queries */
    as(as: string): this
    /** Allows  to use the table in a left join */
    forUseInLeftJoin(): this & OuterJoinSource
    /** Allows  to use the table in a left join with an alias */
    forUseInLeftJoinAs(as: string): this & OuterJoinSource

    // Protected methods that allow to create a required column that doesn't admits null
    column(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create an optional column that admits null
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create a required column that doesn't admits null but have a default value when insert
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    columnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create an optional column that admits null and have a default value when insert
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeNme: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeNme: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumnWithDefaultValue<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeNme: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create a primary key column autogenerated in the database
    // When you insert you don't need specify this column
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create a primary key column not automatically generated
    // When you insert you must specify this column
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    primaryKey(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    primaryKey<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create a primary key column generated by a sequence
    // When you insert you don't need specify this column, it will be added automatically by ts-sql-query
    // This method is only supported by oracle, postgreSql and sqlServer
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    autogeneratedPrimaryKeyBySequence<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, sequenceName: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create a computed column that doesn't admits null
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    computedColumn(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    computedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create an optional computed column that admits null
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalComputedColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create a sql fragment in the table
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create an optional sql fragment in the table
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

View definition

interface View {
    /** Allows to define an alias for the view to be used in the selects queries */
    as(as: string): this
    /** Allows  to use the view in a left join */
    forUseInLeftJoin(): this & OuterJoinSource
    /** Allows  to use the view in a left join with an alias */
    forUseInLeftJoinAs(as: string): this & OuterJoinSource

    // Protected methods that allow to create a required column that doesn't admits null
    column(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    column(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create an optional column that admits null
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalColumn(name: string, type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create a sql fragment in the view
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create an optional sql fragment in the view
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

Constant values view definition

interface Values {
    /** Allows to define an alias for the view to be used in the selects queries */
    as(as: string): this
    /** Allows  to use the view in a left join */
    forUseInLeftJoin(): this & OuterJoinSource
    /** Allows  to use the view in a left join with an alias */
    forUseInLeftJoinAs(as: string): this & OuterJoinSource

    // Protected methods that allow to create a required column that doesn't admits null
    column(type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    column(type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    column(type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    column(type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    column(type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    column(type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    column(type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    column(type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    column<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allow to create an optional column that admits null
    optionalColumn(type: 'boolean', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(type: 'stringInt', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'int', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'bigint', adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalColumn(type: 'stringDouble', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'double', adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'string', adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'uuid', adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'localDate', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'localTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalColumn(type: 'localDateTime', adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customInt', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(name: string, type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalColumn<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create a sql fragment in the view
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    virtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

    // Protected methods that allows to create an optional sql fragment in the view
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'boolean', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BooleanValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BooleanValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringInt' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringInt', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'int', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'bigint', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => BigintValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): BigintValueSource
    /** @deprecated 'stringDouble' type is deprecated, define your customInt instead */
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'stringDouble', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringNumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringNumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'double', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => NumberValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): NumberValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'string', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => StringValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): StringValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'uuid', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => UuidValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): UuidValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDate', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => TimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): TimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment(type: 'localDateTime', fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => DateTimeValueSource, adapter?: TypeAdapter): DateTimeValueSource
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customInt', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomIntValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomIntValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customDouble', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomDoubleValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomDoubleValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customUuid', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomUuidValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomUuidValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDate', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customLocalDateTime', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): CustomLocalDateTimeValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'enum', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'custom', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => EqualableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): EqualableValueSource<T>
    optionalVirtualColumnFromFragment<T, TYPE_NAME = T>(type: 'customComparable', typeName: string, fn: (fragment: FragmentExpression) => ComparableValueSource<T>, adapter?: TypeAdapter): ComparableValueSource<T>

Insert definition

interface InsertExpression {
     * Allow setting the shape of the values to insert. This shape allows you to map
     * each property in the values to insert with the column's name in the table, in that
     * way, the property in the value doesn't need to have the same name.
     * The only values to be insert are the ones included in the shape.
    shapedAs(shape: InsertShape): this
     * Allow you to extend the previous set shape.
     * The values set after extending the shape will allow you to include the new properties in the extended shape.
    extendShape(shape: InsertShape): this

    /** Alias to set method: Set the values for insert */
    values(columns: InsertSets): this
    /** Allow to insert multiple registers in the database */
    values(columns: InsertSets[]): this
     * Set the values for insert.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    set(columns: InsertSets): this
     * Set a value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * Set a previous set value only.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfSet(columns: InsertSets): this
     * Set a previous set value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfSetIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * Set a unset value (only if the value was not previously set).
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfNotSet(columns: InsertSets): this
     * Set a unset value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array
     * (only if the value was not previously set).
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfNotSetIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * Unset the listed columns previous set.
     * It can be use in an insert of multiple values.
     * */
    ignoreIfSet(...columns: string[]): this
     * Keep only the listed columns previous set.
     * It can be use in an insert of multiple values.
    keepOnly(...columns: string[]): this

     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfHasValue(columns: InsertSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for 
     * set only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfHasValueIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has not value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfHasNoValue(columns: InsertSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has no value to set 
     * only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * This doen't apply when you are setting the values for insert in an insert of multiple values.
    setIfHasNoValueIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * Unset the listed columns if them has value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It can be use in an insert of multiple values.
    ignoreIfHasValue(...columns: string[]): this
     * Unset the listed columns if them has no value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It can be use in an insert of multiple values.
    ignoreIfHasNoValue(...columns: string[]): this
     * Unset all columns that was set with no value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It can be use in an insert of multiple values.
    ignoreAnySetWithNoValue(): this

     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set the values for insert 
    setForAll(columns: InsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a previous set value only 
    setForAllIfSet(columns: InsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a previous set value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfSetIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a unset value (only if the value was not previously set) 
    setForAllIfNotSet(columns: InsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a unset value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array
     * (only if the value was not previously set) 
    setForAllIfNotSetIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this

     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfHasValue(columns: InsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for 
     * set only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfHasValueIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has not value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfHasNoValue(columns: InsertSets): this
     * This only apply in an insert of multiple values.
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has no value to set 
     * only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setForAllIfHasNoValueIfValue(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this

     * Throw an error if the indicated properties are set
    disallowIfSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties are not set
    disallowIfNotSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties was set with a value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    disallowIfValue(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValue(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties was set not set or has no value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    disallowIfNoValue(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValue(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the any other set except the provided column list
    disallowAnyOtherSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this

    // When variants, that are only executed if the first param is true

    setWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setIfSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setIfSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setIfNotSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    ignoreIfSetWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    keepOnlyWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    setIfHasValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setIfHasValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setIfHasNoValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setIfHasNoValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    ignoreIfHasValueWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    ignoreIfHasNoValueWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    ignoreAnySetWithNoValueWhen(when: boolean): this
    setForAllWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setForAllIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setForAllIfSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setForAllIfSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setForAllIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setForAllIfNotSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setForAllIfHasValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setForAllIfHasValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    setForAllIfHasNoValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: InsertSets): this
    setForAllIfHasNoValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    disallowIfSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValueWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValueWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValueWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValueWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this

    /** Allows to set the values dynamically */
    dynamicSet(): this
    dynamicSet(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this

    /** Alias to dynamicSet method: Allows to set the values dynamically */
    dynamicValues(columns: OptionalInsertSets): this
    /** Allow to insert multiple registers in the database dynamically */
    dynamicValues(columns: OptionalInsertSets[]): this

    /** Insert the default values in the table */
    defaultValues(): this

    /** Insert from a select */
    from(select: Subquery): this

     * Indicate that the query must return the last inserted id 
     * Note: If you are inserting multiple rows, only PostgreSql, SqlServer and Oracle support it
    returningLastInsertedId(): this

    // Methos to specify the on conflict clause
    /** Allows to specify the "on conflict do nothing" clause */
    onConflictDoNothing(): this
    /** Allows to specify the "on conflict do update" clause and next specify the sets */
    onConflictDoUpdateDynamicSet(): this
    onConflictDoUpdateDynamicSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
    /** Allows to specify the "on conflict do update set" clause, setting the columns provided as argument */
    onConflictDoUpdateSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
     * Allows to specify the "on conflict do update set" clause, setting the columns provided as argument.
     * Set a value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    onConflictDoUpdateSetIfValue(columns: UpdateSets): this
    /**Allow to specify the "on conflit" clasue indicating the index column expected by this clause */
    onConflictOn(column: AnyValueSource, ...columns: AnyValueSource[]): this
    /**Allow to specify the "on conflit on constraint" clasue indicating the index name expected by this clause */
    onConflictOnConstraint(constraint: string): this
    /**Allow to specify the "on conflit on constraint" clasue indicating the index name expected by this clause */
    onConflictOnConstraint(constraint: StringValueSource): this
    /**Allow to specify the "on conflit on constraint" clasue indicating the index name expected by this clause */
    onConflictOnConstraint(constraint: RawFragment): this

    // Methods available when previously is called onConflictOn or onConflictOnConstraint
    /** Allows to specify the "do nothing" clause */
    doNothing(): this
    /** Allows to specify the "do update" clause and next specify the sets */
    doUpdateDynamicSet(): this
    doUpdateDynamicSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
    /** Allows to specify the do update set" clause, setting the columns provided as argument */
    doUpdateSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
     * Allows to specify the "do update set" clause, setting the columns provided as argument.
     * Set a value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    doUpdateSetIfValue(columns: UpdateSets): this

    // Methods available to specify a where clause inmediatelly after call onConflictOn or any do update method
    /** Allows to create the where dynamically */
    dynamicWhere(): this
    /** Allows to specify the where */
    where(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    /** Allows to extends the where using an and */
    and(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    /** Allows to extends the where using an or */
    or(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

     * Execute the insert, by default returns the number of inserted rows
     * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be updated, 
     *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
     * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be updated, 
     *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeInsert(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<RESULT>
    /** Returns the sql query to be executed in the database */
    query(): string
    /** Returns the required parameters by the sql query */
    params(): any[]

    // Result compose operations
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    compose(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingInternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingExternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withNoneOrOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOptionalMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    split(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this

    // Returning methods
     * Allows to specify the returning clause.
     * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
     * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returning(columns: InsertReturningValues): this
    /** Returns the optional values as null instead of optional undefined values, can only used immediately after returning(...) */
    projectingOptionalValuesAsNullable(): this
     * Allows to specify the returning clause of a query that returns only one column.
     * It receives as argument the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returningOneColumn(column: AnyValueSource): this
    /** Execute the insert query that returns one o no result from the database */
    executeInsertNoneOrOne(): Promise<RESULT | null>
     * Execute the insert query that returns one result from the database.
     * If no result is returned by the database an exception will be thrown.
    executeInsertOne(): Promise<RESULT>
     * Execute the insert query that returns zero or many results from the database 
     * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
     * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeInsertMany(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<RESULT[]>

    customizeQuery(customization: {
        afterInsertKeyword?: RawFragment
        afterQuery?: RawFragment
    }): this

/** Columns required by the insert */
type InsertSets = { [columnName: string]: any }
/** Columns required by the insert, but marked as optionals */
type OptionalInsertSets = { [columnName: string]: any }
 * Returning projection of the value that vill be retreived from the database.
 * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
 * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
type InsertReturningValues = { [columnName: string]: AnyValueSource }
/** Shape of the values to set */
type InsertShape = { [propertyNameInValues: string]: string /* column name in the insert table */ }

Update definition

interface UpdateExpression {
     * Allow setting the shape of the values to update. This shape allows you to map
     * each property in the values to update with the columns in the table, in that
     * way, the property in the value doesn't need to have the same name.
     * The only values to be updated are the ones included in the shape.
    shapedAs(shape: UpdateShape): this
     * Allow you to extend the previous set shape.
     * The values set after extending the shape will allow you to include the new properties in the extended shape.
    extendShape(shape: UpdateShape): this

    /** Set the values for update */
    set(columns: UpdateSets): this
    /** Set a value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setIfValue(columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    /** Set a previous set value only */
    setIfSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
    /** Set a previous set value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array
    setIfSetIfValue(columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    /** Set a unset value (only if the value was not previously set) */
    setIfNotSet(columns: UpdateSets): this
     * Set a unset value only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array
     * (only if the value was not previously set) 
    setIfNotSetIfValue(columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    /** Unset the listed columns previous set */
    ignoreIfSet(...columns: string[]): this
    /** Keep only the listed columns previous set */
    keepOnly(...columns: string[]): this

     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setIfHasValue(columns: UpdateSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that was previously indicated a value for 
     * set only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setIfHasValueIfValue(columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has not value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setIfHasNoValue(columns: UpdateSets): this
     * Set a value for the specified columns that has no value to set 
     * only if the provided value is not null, undefined, empty string 
     * (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not set to true, 
     * that is the default behaviour) or an empty array.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    setIfHasNoValueIfValue(columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
     * Unset the listed columns if them has value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    ignoreIfHasValue(...columns: string[]): this
     * Unset the listed columns if them has no value to set.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    ignoreIfHasNoValue(...columns: string[]): this
     * Unset all columns that was set with no value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    ignoreAnySetWithNoValue(): this

     * Throw an error if the indicated properties are set
    disallowIfSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties are not set
    disallowIfNotSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties was set with a value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    disallowIfValue(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValue(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the indicated properties was set not set or has no value.
     * It is considered the column has value if it was set with a value that is not null, 
     * undefined, empty string (only when the allowEmptyString flag in the connection is not 
     * set to true, that is the default behaviour) or an empty array 
    disallowIfNoValue(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValue(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
     * Throw an error if the any other set except the provided column list
    disallowAnyOtherSet(errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSet(error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this

    // When variants, that are only executed if the first param is true

    setWhen(when: boolean, columns: UpdateSets): this
    setIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    setIfSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: UpdateSets): this
    setIfSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    setIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, columns: UpdateSets): this
    setIfNotSetIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    ignoreIfSetWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    keepOnlyWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    setIfHasValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: UpdateSets): this
    setIfHasValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    setIfHasNoValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: UpdateSets): this
    setIfHasNoValueIfValueWhen(when: boolean, columns: OptionalUpdateSets): this
    ignoreIfHasValueWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    ignoreIfHasNoValueWhen(when: boolean, ...columns: string[]): this
    ignoreAnySetWithNoValueWhen(when: boolean): this
    disallowIfSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNotSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValueWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfValueWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValueWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowIfNoValueWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSetWhen(when: boolean, errorMessage: string, ...columns: string[]): this
    disallowAnyOtherSetWhen(when: boolean, error: Error, ...columns: string[]): this

    /** Allows to set the values dynamically */
    dynamicSet(): this
    dynamicSet(columns: UpdateSets): this

    /** Allows to create the where dynamically */
    dynamicWhere(): this
    /** Allows to specify the where */
    where(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    /** Allows to extends the where or the on clause of a join using an and */
    and(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    /** Allows to extends the where or the on clause of a join using an or */
    or(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

     * Execute the update returning the number of updated rows
     * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be updated, 
     *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
     * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be updated, 
     *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeUpdate(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<number>
    /** Returns the sql query to be executed in the database */
    query(): string
    /** Returns the required parameters by the sql query */
    params(): any[]

    // Result compose operations
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    compose(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingInternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingExternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withNoneOrOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOptionalMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    split(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this

    // Returning methods
     * Allows to specify the returning clause.
     * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
     * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returning(columns: UpdateReturningValues): this
    /** Returns the optional values as null instead of optional undefined values, can only used immediately after returning(...) */
    projectingOptionalValuesAsNullable(): this
     * Allows to specify the returning clause of a query that returns only one column.
     * It receives as argument the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returningOneColumn(column: AnyValueSource): this
    /** Execute the update query that returns one o no result from the database */
    executeUpdateNoneOrOne(): Promise<RESULT | null>
     * Execute the update query that returns one result from the database.
     * If no result is returned by the database an exception will be thrown.
    executeUpdateOne(): Promise<RESULT>
     * Execute the update query that returns zero or many results from the database 
     * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
     * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeUpdateMany(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<RESULT[]>

    /** Allows to add a from to the update query */
    from(table: Table | View): this

    /** Allows to add a join to the update query */
    join(table: Table | View): this
    /** Allows to add a inner join to the update query */
    innerJoin(table: Table | View): this
     * Allows to add a left join to the update query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this
     * Allows to add a left outer join to the update query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftOuterJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this

    /** Allows to create the on clause of a join dynamically */
    dynamicOn(): this
    /** Allows to specify the on clause of a join */
    on(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    customizeQuery(customization: {
        afterUpdateKeyword?: RawFragment
        afterQuery?: RawFragment
    }): this

/** Columns required by the update */
type UpdateSets = { [columnName: string]: any }
/** Columns required by the update, but marked as optional */
type OptionalUpdateSets = { [columnName: string]: any }
 * Returning projection of the value that vill be retreived from the database.
 * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
 * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
type UpdateReturningValues = { [columnName: string]: AnyValueSource }
/** Shape of the values to set */
type UpdateShape = { [propertyNameInValues: string]: string /* column name in the update table */ | AnyValueSource }

Delete definition

interface DeleteExpression {
    /** Allows to create the where dynamically */
    dynamicWhere(): this
    /** Allows to specify the where */
    where(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    /** Allows to extends the where or the on clause of a join using an and */
    and(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    /** Allows to extends the where or the on clause of a join using an or */
    or(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    * Execute the delete returning the number of deleted rows
    * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be deleted, 
    *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
    * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be deleted, 
    *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeDelete(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<number>
    /** Returns the sql query to be executed in the database */
    query(): string
    /** Returns the required parameters by the sql query */
    params(): any[]

    // Returning methods
     * Allows to specify the returning clause.
     * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
     * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returning(columns: DeleteReturningValues): this
    /** Returns the optional values as null instead of optional undefined values, can only used immediately after returning(...) */
    projectingOptionalValuesAsNullable(): this
     * Allows to specify the returning clause of a query that returns only one column.
     * It receives as argument the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    returningOneColumn(column: AnyValueSource): this
    /** Execute the delete query that returns one o no result from the database */
    executeDeleteNoneOrOne(): Promise<RESULT | null>
     * Execute the delete query that returns one result from the database.
     * If no result is returned by the database an exception will be thrown.
    executeDeleteOne(min?: number, max?: number): Promise<RESULT>
     * Execute the delete query that returns zero or many results from the database 
     * @param min Indicate the minimum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the minimum is not reached an exception will be thrown
     * @param max Indicate the maximum of rows that must be deleted, 
     *           if the maximum is exceeded an exception will be thrown
    executeDeleteMany(): Promise<RESULT[]>

    // Result compose operations
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    compose(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingInternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingExternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withNoneOrOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOptionalMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    split(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    guidedSplitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this

    /** Allows to add a using (like a from that doesn't delete) to the delete query */
    using(table: Table | View): this

    /** Allows to add a join to the delete query */
    join(table: Table | View): this
    /** Allows to add a inner join to the delete query */
    innerJoin(table: Table | View): this
     * Allows to add a left join to the delete query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this
     * Allows to add a left outer join to the delete query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftOuterJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this

    /** Allows to create the on clause of a join dynamically */
    dynamicOn(): this
    /** Allows to specify the on clause of a join */
    on(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    customizeQuery(customization: {
        afterDeleteKeyword?: RawFragment
        afterQuery?: RawFragment
    }): this

 * Returning projection of the value that vill be retreived from the database.
 * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
 * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
type DeleteReturningValues = { [columnName: string]: AnyValueSource }

Select definition

The select query definition must follow the logical order or the alternative order:

  • Logical order: from, join, WHERE, group by, having, select, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Alternative logical order 1: from, join, group by, having, WHERE, select, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Arternative logical order 2: from, join, group by, having, select, WHERE, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Arternative logical order 3: from, join, group by, having, select, order by, WHERE, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Arternative logical order 4: from, join, group by, having, select, order by, limit, offset, WHERE, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Arternative logical order 5: from, join, group by, having, select, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, WHERE, compose/split
  • Arternative logical order 6: from, join, group by, having, select, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split, WHERE
  • Alternative order 1: from, join, select, WHERE, group by, having, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Alternative order 2: from, join, select, group by, having, WHERE, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Alternative order 3: from, join, select, group by, having, order by, WHERE, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Alternative order 4: from, join, select, group by, having, order by, limit, offset, WHERE, customizeQuery, compose/split
  • Alternative order 5: from, join, select, group by, having, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, WHERE, compose/split
  • Alternative order 6: from, join, select, group by, having, order by, limit, offset, customizeQuery, compose/split, WHERE
interface SelectExpression {
    /** Allows to add a from to the select query */
    from(table: Table | View): this

    /** Allows to add a join to the select query */
    join(table: Table | View): this
    /** Allows to add a inner join to the select query */
    innerJoin(table: Table | View): this
     * Allows to add a left join to the select query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this
     * Allows to add a left outer join to the select query. 
     * Note: to use a table or view here you must call first forUseInLeftJoin methods on it
    leftOuterJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this

    // Optional variants for joins, to be used in select picking columns
    optionalJoin(table: Table | View): this
    optionalInnerJoin(table: Table | View): this
    optionalLeftJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this
    optionalLeftOuterJoin(source: OuterJoinSource): this

    /** Allows to create the on clause of a join dynamically */
    dynamicOn(): this
    /** Allows to specify the on clause of a join */
    on(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    /** Allows to create the where dynamically */
    dynamicWhere(): this
    /** Allows to specify the where */
    where(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    /** Allows to specify the group by of the select query */
    groupBy(...columns: AnyValueSource[]): this
     * Allows to specify the group by of the select query.
     * If you already defined the select clause, you can use the name of
     * the properties returned by the select instead of its definition, it
     * will be replace by the definition automatically.
     * Note: this overload is only available if you define the select clause first.
    groupBy(...columns: string[]): this
    /** Allows to create the having clause of the group by dynamically */
    dynamicHaving(): this
    /** Allows to specify the having clause of the group by */
    having(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

     * Allows to specify the select clause.
     * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
     * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    select(columns: SelectValues): this
    /** Returns the optional values as null instead of optional undefined values, can only used immediately after select(...) */
    projectingOptionalValuesAsNullable(): this
     * Allows to specify the select clause of a query that returns only one column.
     * It receives as argument the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
    selectOneColumn(column: AnyValueSource): this
     * Allows to specify the select clause of a query that returns only one column with count(*).
    selectCountAll(): this

     * Allows to specify an order by used by the query, you must indicate the name of the column
     * returned by the query.
     * If you select one column the name of the column is 'result'.
    orderBy(column: string, mode?: OrderByMode): this
    orderBy(column: AnyValueSource, mode?: OrderByMode): this
    orderBy(column: RawFragment, mode?: OrderByMode): this
    /** Allows to specify an order by dynamically, it is parsed from the provided string */
    orderByFromString(orderBy: string): this
    orderByFromStringIfValue(orderBy: string | null | undefined): this

    /** Allows to specify the maximum number of rows that will be returned by the query */
    limit(limit: number): this
    limitIfValue(limit: number | null | undefined): this
     /** Allows to specify the number of first rows ignored by the query */
    offset(offset: number): this
    offsetIfValue(offset: number | null | undefined): this

    // Oracle's connect by syntax
    startWith(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    connectBy(condition: (prior: (column: AnyValueSource) => AnyValueSource) => BooleanValueSource): this
    connectByNoCycle(condition: (prior: (column: AnyValueSource) => AnyValueSource) => BooleanValueSource): this
    orderingSiblingsOnly(): this

    /** Allows to extends the where, or the on clause of a join, or the having clause using an and */
    and(condition: BooleanValueSource): this
    /** Allows to extends the where, or the on clause of a join, or the having clause using an or */
    or(condition: BooleanValueSource): this

    // Query compound operators
    union(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    unionAll(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    intersect(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    intersectAll(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    except(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    exceptAll(select: CompoundableSubquery): this
    minus(select: CompoundableSubquery): this // alias to except
    minusAll(select: CompoundableSubquery): this // alias to exceptAll

    // Recursive queries
    recursiveUnion(fn: (view: View) => CompoundableSubquery): this
    recursiveUnionAll(fn: (view: View) => CompoundableSubquery): this
    recursiveUnionOn(fn: (view: View) => BooleanValueSource): this
    recursiveUnionAllOn(fn: (view: View) => BooleanValueSource): this

    /** Execute the select query that returns one o no result from the database */
    executeSelectNoneOrOne(): Promise<RESULT | null>
     * Execute the select query that returns one result from the database.
     * If no result is returned by the database an exception will be thrown.
    executeSelectOne(): Promise<RESULT>
    /** Execute the select query that returns zero or many results from the database */
    executeSelectMany(): Promise<RESULT[]>
     * Execute the select query that returns zero or many results from the database.
     * Select page execute the query twice, the first one to get the data from the database 
     * and the second one to get the count of all data without the limit and the offset. 
     * Note: select page is only available if you don't define a group by clause.
    executeSelectPage(): Promise<{ data: RESULT[], count: number }>
     * Execute the select query as a select page, but allows to include extra properties to will be resulting object.
     * If the object provided by argument includes the property count, the query that count the data will be omitted and
     * this value will be used. If the object provided by argument includes the property data, the query that extract 
     * the data will be omitted and this value will be used.
    executeSelectPage<EXTRAS extends {}>(extras: EXTRAS): Promise<{ data: RESULT[], count: number } & EXTRAS>

     * Allows to use a select query as a view in another select. 
     * This select will be included as a clause with in the final sql.
     * @param as name of the clause with in the final query (must be unique per final query)
    forUseInQueryAs(as: string): View

     * Allows to use a select query as an inline query value in another select. 
    forUseAsInlineQueryValue(): AnyValueSource

     * Allows to use a select query as an inline object array value in another select. 
    forUseAsInlineAggregatedArrayValue(): AggregatedArrayValueSource<this>

    /** Returns the sql query to be executed in the database */
    query(): string
    /** Returns the required parameters by the sql query */
    params(): any[]

    // Result compose operations
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    compose(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingInternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    composeDeletingExternalProperty(config: { externalProperty: string, internalProperty: string, propertyName: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withNoneOrOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOne(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    withOptionalMany(fn: (ids: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE[]) => Promise<any[]>): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    split(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    splitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitRequired(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this
    /** @deprecated Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead */
    guidedSplitOptional(propertyName: string, mappig: { [property: string]: string }): this

    customizeQuery(customization: {
        afterSelectKeyword?: RawFragment
        beforeColumns?: RawFragment
        customWindow?: RawFragment
        afterQuery?: RawFragment
        beforeWithQuery?: RawFragment
        afterWithQuery?: RawFragment
    }): this

 * Modes of sorting in an order by.
 * If the database don't support one of then it will be emulated.
type OrderByMode = 'asc' | 'desc' | 'asc nulls first' | 'asc nulls last' | 'desc nulls first' | 'desc nulls last' | 'insensitive' |
                   'asc insensitive' | 'desc insensitive' | 'asc nulls first insensitive' | 'asc nulls last insensitive' | 
                   'desc nulls first insensitive' | 'desc nulls last insensitive'

 * Select projection of the value that vill be retreived from the database.
 * It must be an object where the name of the property is the name of the resulting property
 * and the value is the ValueSource where the value will be obtained.
type SelectValues = { [columnName: string]: AnyValueSource }

Type adpaters

Type adapters allow customising how the values are sent and retrieved from the database, allowing to transform them. You can specify the type adapter per field when you define at the table or view; or, you can define general rules overriding the transformValueFromDB and transformValueToDB.

The CustomBooleanTypeAdapter allows defining custom values to express a boolean when they don't match the database's default values. For example, when you have a field in the database that is a boolean; but, the true value is represented with the string yes, and the false value is represented with the string no. See Custom booleans values for more information.

Type adapter definitions are in the file ts-sql-query/TypeAdapter.

interface TypeAdapter {
    transformValueFromDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown
    transformValueToDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown
    transformPlaceholder?(placeholder: string, type: string, forceTypeCast: boolean, valueSentToDB: unknown, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): string

interface DefaultTypeAdapter {
    transformValueFromDB(value: unknown, type: string): unknown
    transformValueToDB(value: unknown, type: string): unknown
    transformPlaceholder(placeholder: string, type: string, forceTypeCast: boolean, valueSentToDB: unknown): string

class CustomBooleanTypeAdapter implements TypeAdapter {
    readonly trueValue: number | string
    readonly falseValue: number | string

    constructor(trueValue: number, falseValue: number)
    constructor(trueValue: string, falseValue: string)

    transformValueFromDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown
    transformValueToDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown

class ForceTypeCast implements TypeAdapter {
    transformValueFromDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown
    transformValueToDB(value: unknown, type: string, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): unknown
    transformPlaceholder(placeholder: string, type: string, _forceTypeCast: boolean, valueSentToDB: unknown, next: DefaultTypeAdapter): string

Dynamic conditions

See Select using a dynamic filter for more information.

A dynamic condition allows you to create a condition which definition is provided in runtime. To create a dynamic condition, you must call the method dynamicConditionFor from the connection; this method receives a map where the key is the name with which is going to be referred the field, and the value is the corresponding value source to be used in the query. The dynamicConditionFor method returns an object that contains the method withValues that receives the dynamic criteria and returns a boolean value source that you can use in any place where a boolean can be used in the query (like the where).

const dynamicCondition = connection.dynamicConditionFor(selectFields).withValues(filter)

The utility type DynamicCondition from ts-sql-query/dynamicCondition allows you to create a type definition for the dynamic criteria. This object receives a map with the name for the field and as value the name of the type or the value source to extract the type.

For the filter definition:

type FilterType = DynamicCondition<{
    myBoolean: 'boolean'
    myStringInt: 'stringInt'
    myInt: 'int'
    myBigint: 'bigint'
    myStringDouble: 'stringDouble'
    myDouble: 'double'
    myString: 'string'
    myUuid: 'uuid'
    myLocalDate: 'localDate'
    myLocalTime: 'localTime'
    myLocalDateTime: 'localDateTime'
    myEnum: ['enum', MyEnumType]
    myCustom: ['custom', MyCustomType]
    myCustomComparable: ['customComparable', MyCustomComparableType]

The FilterType definition looks like this:

type FilterType = {
    not?: FilterType
    and?: Array<FilterType | undefined>
    or?: Array<FilterType | undefined>
    myBoolean: EqualableFilter<boolean>
    myStringInt: ComparableFilter<string | number>
    myInt: ComparableFilter<number>
    myBigint: ComparableFilter<bigint>
    myStringDouble: ComparableFilter<string | number>
    myDouble: ComparableFilter<number>
    myString: StringFilter
    myString: StringFilter
    myLocalDate: ComparableFilter<Date>
    myLocalTime: ComparableFilter<Date>
    myLocalDateTime: ComparableFilter<Date>
    myEnum: EqualableFilter<MyEnumType>
    myCustom: EqualableFilter<MyCustomType>
    myCustomComparable: ComparableFilter<MyCustomComparableType>

Note: for convenience, uuid type will be treated as string type, calling asString() method automatically in all methods defined in the StringFilter interface.

You can use the properties and, or and not to perform the logical operations. If you specify multiple elements to the FilterType, all of them will be joined using the and operator. The same happens with the elements specified in the and array. But the elements will be joined using the or operator in the case of the or array.

The definition of the different types are:

interface EqualableFilter<TYPE> {
    isNull?: boolean
    isNotNull?: boolean
    equalsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    equals?: TYPE
    notEqualsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    notEquals?: TYPE
    isIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    is?: TYPE | null | undefined
    isNotIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    isNot?: TYPE | null | undefined
    inIfValue?: TYPE[] | null | undefined
    in?: TYPE[]
    notInIfValue?: TYPE[] | null | undefined
    notIn?: TYPE[]

interface ComparableFilter<TYPE> extends EqualableFilter<TYPE> {
    lessThanIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    lessThan?: TYPE
    greaterThanIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    greaterThan?: TYPE
    lessOrEqualsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    lessOrEquals?: TYPE
    greaterOrEqualsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    greaterOrEquals?: TYPE

    /** @deprecated use lessThanIfValue instead */
    smallerIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    /** @deprecated use lessThan instead */
    smaller?: TYPE
    /** @deprecated use greaterThanIfValue instead */
    largerIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    /** @deprecated use greaterThan instead */
    larger?: TYPE
    /** @deprecated use lessOrEqualsIfValue instead */
    smallAsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    /** @deprecated use lessOrEquals instead */
    smallAs?: TYPE
    /** @deprecated use greaterOrEqualsIfValue instead */
    largeAsIfValue?: TYPE | null | undefined
    /** @deprecated use greaterOrEquals instead */
    largeAs?: TYPE

interface StringFilter extends ComparableFilter<string> {
    equalsInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    equalsInsensitive?: string
    notEqualsInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notEqualsInsensitive?: string
    likeIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    like?: string
    notLikeIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notLike?: string
    likeInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    likeInsensitive?: string
    notLikeInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notLikeInsensitive?: string
    startsWithIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    startsWith?: string
    notStartsWithIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notStartsWith?: string
    endsWithIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    endsWith?: string
    notEndsWithIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notEndsWith?: string
    startsWithInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    startsWithInsensitive?: string
    notStartsWithInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notStartsWithInsensitive?: string
    endsWithInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    endsWithInsensitive?: string
    notEndsWithInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notEndsWithInsensitive?: string
    containsIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    contains?: string
    notContainsIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notContains?: string
    containsInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    containsInsensitive?: string
    notContainsInsensitiveIfValue?: string | null | undefined
    notContainsInsensitive?: string

You can extend the set of rules defining your own. For this, you will need to construct an object (it can contain inner objects), where the key is the name of the rule, and the value is a function that receives as an argument the configuration of the rule, and it must return a boolean value source. When you create the dynamic condition, you must provide the extension as the second argument; if you use the DynamicCondition utility type, you must provide the type of your extension object as a second argument.

const extension {
    myCondition: (value: string /* it can be your own type*/) => { ... }
    myGroup: {
        myGroupCondition: (value: number /* it can be your own type*/) => { ... }
const dynamicCondition = connection.dynamicConditionFor(selectFields).withValues(filter, extentsion)