Change Log

v1.65.0 (24 Aug 2024)


  • Add support to transaction metadata that allows sharing of information across the application within a transaction.

v1.64.0 (18 Apr 2024)


  • Add support to aggregateAsArrayDistinct and aggregateAsArrayOfOneColumnDistinct to allow aggregate as array distinct values.
  • LoggingQueryRunner: Use in non-Node environments.

v1.63.0 (20 Mar 2024)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix insert multiple no-inserting records when setForAllIfHasNoValue is called and the records to insert contain a single record

v1.62.0 (10 Mar 2024)


  • Add support to custom reusable SQL fragments that the returning value can be optional or required depending on the provided arguments.

v1.61.0 (2 Mar 2024)


  • Deprecate composing and splitting results functionality long warned to be removed in ts-sql-query. Use complex projections or aggregate as an object array instead.
  • Deprecate mergeType additional utility type. Use Use connection.dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing instead.

v1.60.0 (25 Feb 2024)


  • Allow to use notEqualsInsensitive in dynamic filters previously not included in the white list of allowed functions.
  • Deprecate Tedious and MsNode query runners in favour of mssql.
  • Deprecate Prisma's short-running transactions support.
  • Deprecate stringInt and stringDouble in favour of customInt and customDouble.
  • Deprecated database connections with extended types: TypeSafeMariaDBConnection, TypeSafeMySqlConnection, TypeSafeOracleConnection, TypeSafePostgreSqlConnection, TypeSafeSqliteConnection, TypeSafeSqlServerConnection.

v1.59.0 (18 Feb 2024)


  • Add support to more custom types: customInt, customDouble, customUuid, customLocalDate, customLocalTime, customLocalDateTime.
  • Add the possibility to get some metadata regarding the query execution in a query runner: the query execution stack, information about the function that requests to execute the query, knowing if the query is a select count in a select page, allowing to specify an execution name, allow to specify additional metadata for the execution.

Documentation changes:

  • Improve documentation, making the simplified type definition more explicit.

v1.58.0 (28 Jan 2024)


  • Add support to complex projections in compound select (union, intersect, etc.)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix missing with in compound select queries (union, intersect, etc.)

v1.57.0 (5 Jan 2024)


v1.56.0 (28 Aug 2023)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix inIfValue and notInIfValue forcing include the optional join when it is not required.
  • Fix subquery used as boolean value in a sql fragment when it is not on SqlServer or Oracle databases.

v1.55.0 (27 Aug 2023)


  • Add support to projecting optional values in an object as nullable in the output of select, insert, update, delete and aggregate array. This make the optional property required as nullable in the projected value.

Documentation changes:

  • Reorganize documentation to put select related documentation next to each other.
  • Updating mkdocs, code highlight.
  • Including Google search functionality complementary to the build-in search.
  • Change log excluded from the search output.
  • Improve build-in search.
  • Move "Composing recursive query as an array of objects in two requests" documentation to the "Composing and splitting results (legacy)" page.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the error indicating there is no transaction active when executeConnectionConfiguration is executed before any other query immediately after opening a transaction.

v1.54.0 (27 Jun 2023)


  • Deprecate AnyDB, LoopBack and tedious-connection-pool query runners due their respective projects are dead.
  • Implement executeConnectionConfiguration in the query runner, allowing you to execute raw queries that modify the connection configuration.
  • MariaDB and MySql don't support nested transactions, but instead of throwing an error, it silently finishes the previous one; when this circumstance is detected, an error with be thrown to avoid dangerous situations.
  • Add support to beforeQuery custom SQL fragment when queries are customized.

Documentation changes:

  • Update tedious query runner documentation to don't use tedious-connection-pool and add a note requesting information to the users to explain how to use it with a proper pool.
  • Mark compose and split functionality as legacy with the intention to be deprecated in the future. Documentation of this functionality moved to a single place.

v1.53.0 (11 Apr 2023)


  • Allow extend the rules in a dynamic condition to provide own rules not included by ts-sql-query
  • Ensure tall types returned by dynamicCondition are readable

Bug fixes:

  • Fix missing rules for comparison in the type created using DynamicCondition when the database types are used
  • Fix invalid cast using fromRef not reported by the typescript (now you will get a compilation error)
  • Fix dynamicPickPaths not picking the inner properties
  • Fix left join property marked as optional when it is used in a complex projection and with dynamic picking columns

v1.52.0 (10 Apr 2023)


  • Add support dynamicPickPaths to work with a list of fields to pick, and implement expandTypeFromDynamicPickPaths utility function to rectify the query output when the list of fields to pick is a generic type (Previously experimental)
  • Implement insert/update shape that allows controlling the structure of the object to use to set the value (Previously experimental in update)
  • Add support to update multiple tables in a single update in MariaDB and MySql (Previously experimental)
  • Add support to Oracle recursive queries using connect by syntax
  • Extend utility types and functions to filter by the id columns
  • Add PickValuesPath utility function that allows getting the result of a select query given the fields to pick picked paths
  • Extend the DynamicCondition, allowing to use fields of the dynamic condition as an argument
  • Add PickValuesPathWitAllProperties utility type that allows getting the type of each element returned by a select picking columns
  • Extend SelectedValues and SelectedRow, allowing to use of complex projections
  • Implement selectCountAll() as a shortcut to selectOneColumn(connection.countAll()) that doesn't return an optional value when the query is used as an inline value (removing in this way the current limitation)
  • Add support to order by a column not returned by the select (removing in this way the current limitation)
  • Allow ignoreIfSet over a required property in an insert
  • Add keepOnly method that allows filtering the columns to be set in an insert or update
  • Allow the dynamic set to receive as an argument the initial values to set
  • Add support to dynamic set on an insert with multiple rows (removing in this way the current limitation)
  • Add support to throw an error if some columns are set or have value in an insert or update. New methods in insert and update: disallowIfSet, disallowIfNotSet, disallowIfValue, disallowIfNotValue, disallowAnyOtherSet
  • Add support to manipulate the data to insert or update conditionally
  • Allow the insert do dynamicSet or dynamicValues using an object where a required property is optional

Documentation changes:

  • Document how to define select picking functions in base on the business types or in base on the database types
  • Add documentation regarding data manipulation in insert/update. Before, it was not clear this functionality existed because it was only mentioned in the supported operations

Bug fixes:

  • Fix expandTypeFromDynamicPickPaths (Previously experimental) to work with all kinds of output produced when a query is executed
  • Make dynamic pick columns work with complex projections in case a property with a group with several columns is not picked

v1.51.0 (23 Mar 2023)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix infinite loop by discovering the optional joins used in the query
  • Fix infinite recursive function call in ChainedQueryRunner for the execute method

Internal changes:

  • Add support to run all the tests natively in Apple M1 except for loopback and oracle
  • Add support to run oracle tests in an x86 emulated docker and using node running under rosetta

v1.50.0 (6 Mar 2023)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix valueWhenNull in SqlServer
  • Major rework on custom booleans to fix several bugs

v1.49.0 (19 Feb 2023)


  • Add utility types UpdatableOnInsertConflictRow and UpdatableOnInsertConflictValues to represent updatable values in case of conflict on insert

Experimental changes:

  • Implement dynamicPickPaths to work with a list of fields to pick, and implement expandTypeFromDynamicPickPaths utility function to rectify the query output when the list of fields to pick is a generic type
  • Implement update's shapeAs that allow controlling the structure of the object to use to set the value
  • Implement update multiple tables in a single update in MariaDB and MySql

Bug fixes:

  • Fix boolean value binding for Oracle
  • Fix worng count in a select page query when the distinct modifier is used

v1.48.0 (16 Jan 2023)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix typo in generated sql when the sqrt function is used
  • Fix internal error when an empty array is provided in a in or notIn methods in Sqlite, MariaDB and MySql

Documentation changes:

  • Fix typo (confict → conflict)
  • Mention term "upsert" for easier discoverability

v1.47.0 (15 Dec 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix wrong count on executeSelectPage when a groupBy is used

v1.46.0 (15 Dec 2022)


  • Add onlyWhenOrNull and ignoreWhenAsNull methods that allows to create an expression that only applies if a certain condition is met; otherwise, the value will be null

Bug fixes:

  • Fix error in type definition introduced in ts-sql-query 1.42.0 that make optional properties appears as required in the query result due an over relaxed validation

v1.45.0 (14 Dec 2022)


  • Allow to use dynamicPick over tables and views past as parameter to a function
  • Improve dynamicPick to work with columns coming from other dynamicPick and to work with complex projections
  • Improve extractColumnsFrom and extractWritableColumnsFrom to receive a second optional argument with the properties to exclude
  • Add utilities functions extractColumnNamesFrom and extractWritableColumnNamesFrom that allows to get the column names from a table or view

Documentation changes:

  • Add to the FAQs ts-sql-codegen that allows to generate the tables/views models from the database

Internal changes:

  • Improve Github CI to remove some deprecated warning and include Node 18.x in the tests

v1.44.0 (13 Dec 2022)


  • Add beforeWithQuery and afterWithQuery select query customizations
  • Add utility types to allow pass tables and views as parameter

Documentation changes:

  • Add FAQs & limitations section to the documentation
  • Document select queries that references outer tables

v1.43.0 (6 Dec 2022)


v1.42.0 (5 Dec 2022)


  • Relax utility types to allow use in partial objects. This allows using Omit or Pick in combination with the utility types. Example: type PickValues<COLUMNS, KEYS extends keyof COLUMNS> = SelectedValues<Pick<COLUMNS, KEYS>>;

v1.41.0 (27 Nov 2022)


  • Implement nullIfValue function that returns null when the provided value is the same otherwise return the initial value
  • Add support to values construction that allows to create a "view" for use in the query with a list of constant provided values
  • Add support to param placeholder customisation, allowing to include type cast in the generated sql query for the param

Documentation changes:

  • Fix DBConnection typo in examples and documentation

Bug fixes:

  • Fix internal error when optional joins are used in a select page query
  • Fix internal error when join(...).on(...).and/or pattern is used
  • Fix wrong month number sent to the database when a text representation of the date is used in Sqlite
  • Fix getMonth method returning wrong value (The returning value must follow JS's Date definition) in PostgreSQL, Sqlite, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle and SqlServer
  • Fix getSeconds, getMilliseconds over a date/time in Oracle
  • Fix getDay, getSeconds, getMilliseconds and getTime over a date/time in Oracle

v1.40.0 (30 Oct 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix missing parenthesis in a subtraction of a subtraction

v1.39.0 (21 Oct 2022)


  • Add support to the returning clause in MariaDB in insert and delete (update not supported yet by MariaDB)
  • Add support to Prisma 4

v1.38.0 (29 Sep 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix select page count when a group by is used

v1.37.0 (23 Sep 2022)


  • Implement allowWhen and disallowWhen that throws an error if the expression is used in the final query

Documentation changes:

  • Fix copy&paste on update documentation refering delete

Bug fixes:

  • Fix minValue and maxValue returning wrong value
  • Fix missing with query when a query in a with clause depends on another with query

v1.36.0 (31 Aug 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid uuid type in a reusable fragment

v1.35.0 (29 Aug 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix wrong return type of min and max functions in the connection

v1.34.0 (17 Aug 2022)


  • Add valueWhenNoValue function that allows to return a value when null or undefined were provided to the *IfValue function

v1.33.0 (16 Aug 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix "Invalid double value received from the db" when the database send a number as string with trailing 0

v1.32.0 (15 Aug 2022)


  • Implement onlyWhen and ignoreWhen function that allows ignoring a boolean expression under a condition
  • Add support to virtual columns on tables and views
  • Implement the types InsertableValues, UpdatableValues and SelectedValues that allows to get the types for an insert, update and select with the proper types defined in the table without the other sql objects

v1.31.0 (8 Aug 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix misspelling in left outer join

v1.30.0 (21 Jul 2022)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix optional join not omitted when an IfValue is used and there is no value

v1.29.0 (28 Jun 2022)


  • Export helper types in extras to retrieve row types when insert, update and select
  • Include timestamps in LoggingQueryRunner callbacks
  • Make the ConsoleLogQueryRunner more configurable so that it can output results, timestamps and durations as well

Bug fixes:

  • Fix insert default values on TypeScript 3.5 or higher
  • Unable to compile ts-sql-query with TypeScript 4.7

v1.28.0 (23 May 2022)


  • Add compatibility mode to MySql to avoid use the with clause not supported by MySql 5
  • Add support to reference current value and value to insert in an insert on conflict do update

v1.27.0 (11 Apr 2022)

Documentation changes:

  • Add the insert on conflict methods to the supported operation documentation page

Bug fixes:

  • Fix TS4029 error when you need to emit the type definition (for use in a library) of the files that contains the database, tables and views
  • Avoid database connection leaks due a forbidden concurrent usage of a pooled query runner

v1.26.0 (20 Mar 2022)


  • Add support to "insert on conflict do nothing" and "insert on conflict do update" on PostgreSql, Sqlite, MariaDB and MySql
  • Add support to specify raw sql fragment in the order by; allowing complex order by in the select query
  • Allow insert, update and delete in raw sql fragments

Documentation changes:

  • Add a demo video to the documentation

Bug fixes:

  • Fix infinite instantiation in newer versions of TypeScript

v1.25.0 (9 Jan 2022)


  • Implements forUseAsInlineAggregatedArrayValue function, that allows to transform a query in create an array value of a single column (if it is single-column query), or an object where the rows are represented as an object
  • Implements aggregateAsArray aggregation function, that allows to create an value that contains, per each row, an array of a single column, or an array with several columns represented as an object
  • Add support to the uuid type
  • Add support to orderByFromStringIfValue, limitIfValue and offsetIfValue
  • Add support to subqueries that contains with clause with external/contextual dependencies
  • Add support to compose over optional properties
  • Add support to withOptionalMany composing rule that allows to use undefined instead of an empty array when no value
  • Detect invalid queries in SqlServer, Oracle and MariaDB when an outer reference is used to create a query that is not supported by the database because no outer references are allowed in inner with, or, in MariaDB, no outer references are allowed in inner from
  • Combine multiple concat expressions in a single concat function call in MySql and MariaDB

Documentation changes:

  • Add a note in the mergeType function documentation warning about the reader evaluate the preferred alternatives first

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid query when a table alias is specified in Oracle
  • Fix invalid recursive query in Sql Server
  • Fix invalid recursive query in Oracle
  • Fix invalid query when contains method of a string value source is called in MySql/MariaDB
  • Fix substrToEnd, substringToEnd, substr and substring: now the index is according to JavaScript definition (the count start in 0) and the parameters have the correct type
  • Fix invalid type when a mathematical function is used and the provided value is not the same type that the column

v1.24.0 (21 Dec 2021)


  • Manage complex projections in compound operations (union, intercept, etc.)
  • Ensure the dynamic conditions cannot create conditions when null/undefined values are provided to functions that doesn't expect it
  • Detect when null/undefined values are provided to an operation with a value coming from a left join where a not null/undefined value must be provided
  • Deprecate all value source methods overload that can produce unexpected falsy/null values because the provided value in JavaScript is null or undefined. Now all value source methods doesn't admit null or undefined values (except the *IfValue, is, isNot methods). In the odd case you need to use a nullable value from JavaScript, and you want to maintain the falsy/null output use an optional constant with the JavaScript value
  • Add the methods trueWhenNoValue and falseWhenNoValue to allows specify a boolean value when the *IfValue function produces no value. This can help to manage optional values coming from JavaScript in complex logic without need to use the deprecated methods that can produce unexpected falsy/null values
  • Allows to negate the result of a *IfValue function
  • Improve boolean expression reduction when the negate method is used
  • Detect invalid columns to be returned in a select (non-string key)

Preview of upcoming changes:

  • Implements aggregateAsArray aggregation function, that allows to create an value that contains, per each row, an array of a single column, or an array with several columns represented as an object
  • Add support to subqueries that contains with clause with external/contextual dependencies

Documentation changes:

  • Clean up sync helper function to handle synchronous promises in BetterSqlite3 with a stricter typing and better readability

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure any boolean operation apply over a boolean created using dynamicBooleanExpressionUsing is asignable to the initial type
  • Fix invalid result type of calling asOptional or asRequiredInOptionalObject when the type is different to int
  • Fix BetterSqlite3 implementation that returns a real promise instead of a synchronous promise when there is no columns to set

v1.23.0 (8 Dec 2021)


  • Add support to complex projections, that allows to create inner objects in the result of a query
  • Detect invalid query when a table in the from of an update appears in the returning clause in sqlite. Now it verify the restriction 7 of the returning clause in Sqlite
  • Add support for Prisma 3
  • Add support for the interactive transactions in Prisma

Documentation changes:

  • Add test strategy information

Bug fixes:

  • Fix MariaDB/MySql stringConcat when an empty separator is used

v1.22.0 (24 Oct 2021)


  • Deprecate replace method in favour of replaceAll in the string value source to align with JavaScript
  • Add the substr and substrToEnd to the string value source to align with JavaScript and respect the real available implementation in the databases
  • Add support to create complex dynamic boolean expression using the dynamicBooleanExpresionUsing method in the connection object. It allows to create programmatically dynamically complex boolean expressions instead of declarative dynamically conditions using the IfValue functions. It is recommend to use the IfValue functions when it is possible
  • Add mergeType utility function to deal with advanced dynamic queries when a variable ended with type a union of several types of value source. This function allows to resolve the union type in a single value source type

Documentation changes:

  • Combine all topics related to dynamic queries in a single page to avoid confusion
  • Improve documentation style

Bug fixes:

  • Fix broken substring implementation in the string value source

v1.21.0 (22 Oct 2021)


  • Added a new general query runner: InterceptorQueryRunner

Bug fixes:

  • Fix error lost that was throw by a logger in a LogginQueryRunner

v1.20.0 (14 Oct 2021)


  • Add support to scalar queries, that is an inline select query as value for another query
  • Add support to insert returning on databases that support it (PostgreSql, SqlServer, Oracle, modern Sqlite)
  • Add support to update returning on databases that support it (PostgreSql, SqlServer, Oracle, modern Sqlite)
  • Add support to update returning old values on databases that support it (SqlServer)
  • Add support to update returning old values on databases where it can be emulated in a single query (PostgreSql)
  • Add support to delete returning on databases that support it (PostgreSql, SqlServer, Oracle, modern Sqlite)
  • Add support to use more tables or views in an update (from clause)
  • Add support to use more tables or views in a delete (using clause)
  • Add support to use more tables or views in an update returning old values on databases that support it (SqlServer)
  • Add support to use more tables or views in an update returning old values on databases where it can be emulated in a single query (PostgreSql)
  • Improve error detection to identify misuse of values that have different columns types with same TypeScript type (like date and time)
  • Improve min and max limit verification on insert

Bug fixes:

  • Fix selectOneColum result type on complex objects (like Date)

v1.19.0 (7 Oct 2021)


  • Add support to numeric date/time in Sqlite that is expressed as bigint in JavaScript by the database connector (By example, using defaultSafeIntegers option in BetterSqlite3)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix typo in Sqlite treatUnexpectedStringDateTimeAsUTC connection option (wrongly named: treatUxepectedStringDateTimeAsUTC)
  • Fix typo in Sqlite unexpectedUnixDateTimeAreMilliseconds connection option (wrongly named: uxepectedUnixDateTimeAreMilliseconds)

v1.18.0 (6 Oct 2021)


  • Manage the errors coming from the deferred execution logic till the end of a transaction, after commit or rollback. Now all deferred logic will be executed even if one of them throw an error. All errors thrown by the deferred logic will be collected and combined in one single error that will be thrown after the commit or rollback is executed

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid high level transaction management when the commit fails. The transaction was not rolled back when the commit fails
  • Fix connection released too early due when the commit fails in a pooled query runner
  • Don't fire the deferred functions when rollback when the commit fails; when this happens the transaction is still ongoing

v1.17.0 (5 Oct 2021)


  • Implements Unix time milliseconds as integer date/time strategy for sqlite that allows to store dates & times in UNIX time as milliseconds
  • MockQueryRunner create the output param for oracle in the same way this database expect it
  • Add support to deferring execution logic using async functions till the end of a transaction, after commit or rollback

New examples:

  • Add a running mocked version of the examples in the documentation per each supported database

Internal changes:

  • Add code coverage report

Bug fixes:

  • Fix deferring logic execution till the end of transaction in case of multiple nested transaction with multiple deferred logic but not in the middle of the nesting transaction

v1.16.0 (4 Oct 2021)


  • Add support to deferring execution logic till the end of a transaction, after commit or rollback

Internal changes:

  • Introduce ts-node to run the examples

Bug fixes:

  • Fix sqlite compatibility mode by default (regression introduced in the previous release)
  • Fix oracle example due oracle instant client not loading and throwing error when the oracle driver is initialized

v1.15.0 (3 Oct 2021)


  • Allows to use in split/compose previously created property using split/compose
  • Add support to Date and Time management in sqlite using different strategies to represent the value (sqlite doesn't have dedicate types to represent dates and time). The implemented strategies are aligned with the date time support in sqlite allowing to store the information as text (in the local timezone or UTC), as integer (in unix time seconds) or as a real value (in Julian days)
  • Align method names with convention, where ts-sql-query tries to use well known method names, giving preferences to already existing names in JavaScript, o well known function names in SQL, avoiding abbreviations. Methods with new names (Previous names are still available as deprecated methods):

    Previous name New name
    smaller lessThan
    smallAs lessOrEquals
    larger greaterThan
    largeAs greaterOrEquals
    mod modulo
    lower toLowerCase
    upper toUpperCase
    ltrim trimLeft
    rtrim trimRight
  • Change some internal type names to improve the readability of the type name in the IDE and in error messages

  • Implement the compatibility mode on sqlite (enabled by default). When is disabled allows to take advantages of the newer syntax in sqlite. Right now only prisma and better sqlite includes an sqlite compatible
  • Now is possible create an insert from a select o with multiples values that returns the last inserted id if a compatible sqlite with the returning clause is used
  • Now is possible create an insert from a select that returns the last inserted id if a compatible sqlite with the returning clause is used
  • Ensure the MockQueryRunner returns a number when the mock function return no value when an insert, update or delete is executed
  • Detect invalid results from the mock function returned to the MockQueryRunner
  • Add support to mock the call to the method isTransactionActive

Documentation changes:

  • Add example of MockQueryRunner usage to the documentation
  • Document how to run the examples

Internal changes:

  • Changes to make happy TypeScript 4.4 and avoid error messages
  • Set up GitHub CI

Bug fixes:

  • Fix type returned by a table or view customization when the original table or view has alias

v1.14.0 (23 Aug 2021)


  • Add utility functions that allow to create a prefix map for a guided split taking as reference another object with columns, marking as required the same keys that have a required column in the reference object

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invisible characters included in the prefixed property names in the prefix utility functions

v1.13.0 (22 Aug 2021)


  • Add more options to organize the select clauses, making in this way easier to create functions that return queries partially constructed. The where clause can be postponed until the end of the query, before the query execution
  • Add support to queries that use orderBy, limit, offset inside of a compound operator (like union, intersect). With this change now it is possible to use a limit in the inner query, not only in the outer one with the compound operator
  • Implement insert default values query customization on MySql/MariaDB
  • Increase the flexibility of a select from no table, allowing all the clauses supported by a select (outside the from definition)
  • Add utility function that allows extracting all columns from an object (like table or view) that enables to write a select all columns
  • Add utility functions that allow to deal with situations when a prefixed copy of a list of columns is required to use multiple columns with the same name in a select; complementary functions to help split back in a select the prefixed columns are also included

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid order by of a compound query in Oracle. When a compound operator (union, intersect, ...) is used, Oracle requires to use the positional notation instead of the name of the columns
  • Fix invalid subquery in SqlServer that contains an order by. In SqlServer subqueries with an order by must always include an offset

v1.12.0 (19 Aug 2021)


  • Add support to undefined elements in the and/or array of a dynamic condition

Bug fixes:

  • Fix undefined not treated as absence of value in IfValue conditions

v1.11.0 (16 Aug 2021)

Documentation changes:

  • Fix missing parent definition in the "Splitting the result of a left join query" example of the documentation

Bug fixes:

  • Fix error when composition or splitting are use in a select with executeSelectNoneOrOne and the result is null

v1.10.0 (30 Jul 2021)


  • Implement guided splitting to help handle the splitting situation originated by a left join when the optionality of the moved properties are not correct due to known null rules that are not able to be extracted by ts-sql-query from the query

Documentation changes:

  • Documented error for method executeSelectNoneOrOne

Bug fixes:

  • Fix constraint violation when a left join return null on a column that originally was marked as required

v1.9.0 (28 Jul 2021)


  • Add utilities methods to insert and update operations that helps to deal with columns that were prepared to set with no value (null, undefined, empty string, empty array): setIfHasValue, setIfHasValueIfValue, setIfHasNoValue, setIfHasNoValueIfValue, ignoreIfHasValue, ignoreIfHasNoValue, ignoreAnySetWithNoValue

Bug fixes:

  • Fix wrong result of isTransactionActive in connections that potentially can nest transaction levels

v1.8.0 (26 Jul 2021)

Documentation changes:

  • Make more clear and visible the warning about sharing the connection between HTTP requests.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid query when an insert or update contains additional properties not precent in the table (that must be ignored)

v1.7.0 (23 Jul 2021)


  • Implement isTransactionActive method at the connection object that allows to know if there is an active open transaction in ts-sql-query
  • Allows to use objects with the values in an insert or update that contains additional properties not precent in the table that will be ignored. This change makes the behaviour coherent with TypeScript compiler.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix transaction management when a ts-sql-connection connection from a pool is reused, started a transaction, but no query is executed.
  • Fix select result on non-strict mode, making the best approximation to have an usable result (but loosing the optional property information)

v1.6.0 (12 Jun 2021)


  • Allows to use complex names in different places like the column alias (name of the property in the result object of a select)
  • Allow a dynamic select picking the columns
  • Handle splitting with select picking columns
  • The split method automatically determines if the created property is required or optional
  • Added splitRequired splitting method
  • Add support to optional joins in a select picking columns
  • Add support to table "from" customization, allowing to include raw sql to use features not supported yet by ts-sql-query
  • Add support to select query customizations
  • Add support to update query customizations
  • Add support to delete query customizations
  • Add support to insert query customizations

Documentation changes:

  • Document about how to deal with splitting result and dynamic queries
  • Add column types section in the documentation

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure insert multiple can generate the with clause
  • Add support to with clause on insert queries on databases that doesn't support a global with on insert (oracle, mysql, mariadb)
  • Fix invalid insert default values query on oracle

v1.5.0 (3 Jun 2021)


  • Add support to custom array types
  • Add support to globally encrypted id
  • Big refactor to simplify the query runners implementation
  • Dropped support to very old better-sqlite3 versions (6 or before)
  • Allow to use returning clause on sqlite and mariadb in a sql text query executed directly with the query runner

Documentation changes:

  • Implements new documentation website using mkdocs and, available at:
  • Add transaction documentation
  • Document security constraint regarding update and delete with no where
  • Add select with left join example to the documentation

Distribution changes:

  • Source maps are not included any more

Bug fixes:

  • Fix insert from select returning last inserted id
  • Fix invalid in queries when the in function didn't receives an array of values

v1.4.0 (23 May 2021)


  • Add support to create dynamic conditions where the criteria is defined at runtime. This allows to have a select with a where provided by an external system.
  • Implements compound operator (union, intersect, except) on select expressions.
  • Allows executeSelectPage on select with group by
  • Allows insert from select returning last inserted id in PostgreSql and Sql Server
  • Extends the possibility of a select query to change the shape of the projected object allowing move some property to an internal object (split) or combine the result with a second query string the value as a property of the first one (compose)
  • Add support to recursive select queries

Bug fixes:

  • Fix startsWith and endsWith misspelling

v1.3.0 (9 May 2021)


  • Add the transaction method to the connection to make easier deal with transactions at high level
  • Add Prisma support

New examples:

  • Add MariaDB example using prisma for the connection
  • Add MySql example using prisma for the connection
  • Add PostgreSql example using prisma for the connection
  • Add Sqlite example using prisma for the connection
  • Add SqlServer example using prisma for the connection

v1.2.0 (3 May 2021)


  • Implements LoggingQueryRunner

Documentation changes:

  • README improvements
  • Include optionalConst connection method in the documentation

v1.1.0 (9 Mar 2021)


  • Implements SQL with clause that allows using a select as a view in another select query.
  • Rework insensitive comparison to allow use collations instead of the lower function; allowing in that way make comparison case insensitive and accent insensitive.
  • Implements insensitive order by extension.
  • Rework boolean management to support databases that don't have boolean data type (Sql Server and Oracle).
  • Add support to custom boolean columns.
  • Add support to execute better-sqlite3 queries synchronously.
  • Add support to computed columns on tables.
  • Add ID encrypter utility.

Documentation changes:

  • Add documentation about how encrypt the IDs.
  • Add warning to the readme about sharing the connection between HTTP requests.
  • Add warning about non-public files.
  • Add waring about table and views constructor arguments

New examples:

  • Add Sqlite example using better-sqlite3 for the connection and synchronous queries.
  • Add PostgreSql example using pg for the connection and encrypted primary/foreign keys.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix mismatching column name when an uppercase character is used as column's alias on PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL lowercase the column's alias when it is not escaped; in consequence, an error was thrown because the column was not found.
  • Fix some 'not' ignored during text comparison: notContainsInsensitive (on MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sqlite, SqlServer), notEndWith (on Oracle, Sqlite, SqlServer)
  • Fix some posible invalid order by in MySql, MariaDB, SqlServer and Sqlite.
  • Fix invalid queries involving boolean operations in Sql Server and Oracle.
  • Fix missing bigint cast for a value coming from the database when it is a number.

v1.0.0 (30 Jan 2021)

First stable release!

See 1.0.0-beta.1 release notes

Bug fixes:

  • setIfValue, setIfSetIfValue, setIfNotSetIfValue when insert or update now have the same behaviour that any *IfValue function, respecting the configuration about treating an empty string as null value

v1.0.0-beta.1 (29 Dec 2020)


  • Implements reusable fragments as functions using the buildFragmentWithArgs function with the arg and valueArg functions (all defined in the connection)
  • Implements reusable fragments as functions that allow creating *IfValue functions using the buildFragmentWithArgsIfValue function with the arg and valueArg functions (all defined in the connection)
  • Add support to the newest Better Sqlite 3 returning bingint
  • Update all dependencies, and apply all required changes
  • Implements the method execute in the query runners to allows have direct access to the database using the raw objects used to establish the connection
  • Refactor how const values are handled. Now value source included two new methods:
    • isConstValue(): boolean that allows verify if it contains a const value
    • getConstValue(): TYPE that allows getting the value of a const value source (throw an error if it is not a const value source)
  • Update the readme to include explanations about dynamic queries
  • Add support to bigint column type
  • Add examples section to the readme

Braking changes:

  • Don't inline true or false values when they are defined with the const function. If you want a true or false value inlined use the true() and false() methods defined in the connection
  • Rename QueryRunner.getNativeConnection as getNativeRunner to avoid confusion because this method doesn't return the connection in all the implementation (could be the pool)
  • Big refactor to reduce the pressure on TypeScript type validations. Breaking changes:
    • Connections classes now only receive one generic argument with a unique name.
      • Before: DBConnection extends PostgreSqlConnection<DBConnection, 'DBConnection'> { }
      • After: DBConnection extends PostgreSqlConnection<'DBConnection'> { }
    • Tables and views now receive a second generic argument with a unique name.
      • Before: class TCompany extends Table<DBConnection> { ... }
      • After: class TCompany extends Table<DBConnection, 'TCompany'> { ... }
      • Before: class VCustomerAndCompany extends View<DBConnection> { ... }
      • After: class VCustomerAndCompany extends View<DBConnection, 'VCustomerAndCompany'> { ... }
  • The value argument and the return type in the type adapters (including the default implementation in the connection) have now type unknown
  • Trak if a value source is optional and validates if the result of executing a query return a value when it is expected. Braking changes:
    • A const with an optional value must be created using the new optionalConst function in the connection, previously was used the const function in the connection
    • Theis function that allows comparing two values now returns a not optional boolean, previously it returned an optional value
  • Dropped the method NumberValueSource.asStringNumber, use instead the new methods:
    • NumberValueSource.asInt(): number
    • NumberValueSource.asDouble(): number
    • NumberValueSource.asStringInt(): number|string
    • NumberValueSource.asStringDouble(): number|string
    • StringNumberValueSource.asStringInt(): number|string
    • StringNumberValueSource.asStringDouble(): number|string

Internal changes:

  • Big refactor without change the public interface:
    • Use symbols for type marks instead of protected fields
    • Use interfaces instead of abstract classes (allowed by the previous change)
    • Use import type when it is possible
    • Join all databases files in one file
    • Drop alternative implementations code not in use

Bug fixes:

  • Fix invalid query when no value is provided to the function concatIfValue
  • Fix invalid usage of *IfValue functions result, now typescript report an error when it happens
  • Handle when the update has nothing to set, in that case, no update will be performed, and it returns 0 rows updated

v0.17.0 (20 Apr 2020)


  • Implements LoopBack support for sqlite3, postgresql, mysql/mariadb, sql server and oracle
  • Attach error information to beginTransaction, commit and rollback methods
  • Add an option to run all examples
  • Use the param placeholder defined in the query runner instead of redefined it in the sql builders
  • Always use positional parameters in sqlite
  • Refactor how is ensured that you are using a compatible query runner in a connection

v0.16.0 (27 Mar 2020)


  • Implements insert from a select
  • Implements custom comparable types
  • Custom column type now includes in and not in operations

v0.15.0 (6 Feb 2020)


  • Implements executeDatabaseSchemaModification in the query runner for all supported databases
  • Make params optional in the query runners
  • Add fake order by to allow have limit without order by in Sql Server like in other databases
  • Change the way how a function is executed in Oracle. Now a select is executed
  • Add warning of AnyDB for Sqlite is not working properly due a bug of any-db-sqlite3
  • Add warning of AnyDB for Sql Server is not working properly due a bug of any-db-mssql
  • Add warning: tedious-connection-pool is not working due a bug of tedious-connection-pool
  • Update readme

New examples:

  • Add PostgreSql example using pg for the connection
  • Add SqlServer example using tedious for the connection
  • Add SqlServer example using mssql with tedious for the connection
  • Add PostgreSql example using AnyDB with pg for the connection
  • Add SqlServer example using AnyDB (any-db-mssql) with tedious for the connection
  • Add Oracle example using oracledb for the connection
  • Add MySql example using mysql for the connection
  • Add MySql example using mysql2 for the connection
  • Add MariaDB example using mariadb for the connection
  • Add MySql example using AnyDB with mysql for the connection
  • Add Sqlite example using sqlite for the connection
  • Add Sqlite example using sqlite3 for the connection
  • Add Sqlite example using AnyDB with sqlite3 for the connection
  • Add Sqlite example using better-sqlite3 for the connection

Bug fixes:

  • Add missing executeInsertReturningMultipleLastInsertedId implementation
  • Fix missing result when a executeSelectOneRow is executed with PgQueryRunner
  • Fix select current value of a sequence in Sql Server
  • Fix limit in Sql Server when offset is not provided
  • Fix procedure and function call in Sql Server
  • Fix missing result when an executeSelectOneRow is executed with AnyDBQueryRunner
  • Fix executeInsertReturningLastInsertedId and executeInsertReturningMultipleLastInsertedId implementations for AnyDB
  • Fix column alias in Oracle, the alias must be quoted in order to preserve the case. Unquoted alias are returned as uppercase.
  • Fix missing result when a executeSelectOneRow is executed in Oracle
  • Fix wrong result order when a insert multiple returning last inserted id is executed in Oracle
  • Fix unhandled safe integer object used by better-sqlite3 when an executeFunction or executeSelectOneColumnOneRow query is executed

v0.14.0 (31 Jan 2020)


  • Implements insert multiple values and allows to return the last inserted id for each one (this last one only for PostgreSql, SqlServer and Oracle)
  • Add table of content to the readme

Bug fixes:

  • Fix get output values in oracle
  • Fix source stack (where the query was executed) added twice to the error stack
  • Fix readme

v0.13.0 (19 Jan 2020)


  • Add the possibility to disable the treatment of an empty string as null
  • Escape reserved words when it is used as identifier
  • When a select query references to two o more tables or view, the table or view name is used as the prefix of the column when no alias is provided. It avoid the query ambiguity when two columns from different sources have the same name (used in the query or not)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix double cast when the value is coming from the database
  • Allow NaN, Infinity and -Infinity in stringDouble when it is represented as string
  • Fix localTime type name
  • Fix localDate type name
  • Fix int cast when the value is coming from the database
  • Fix invalid sql in SqlServer
  • Fix type information used by the query runners in sql server

v0.12.0 (4 Oct 2019)


  • Allows to execute a selectOne over an optional column
  • Don't allow to call "returningLastInsertedId" when an insert query is constructed for a table without autogenerated primary key

Bug fixes:

  • Fix MySqlPoolQueryRunner name
  • Make PoolQueryRunner not abstract
  • Fix invalid result on MySql when a query that must returns one row is executed

v0.11.0 (3 Oct 2019)


  • Implements more query runners that handles the connection pool directly
  • Implements insert default values with a primary key generated by a sequence

Bug fixes:

  • Fix wrong inference type caused because typescript drops the type of private fields
  • Fix "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.ts(2589)" when the connection is TypeSafe

v0.10.0 (19 Aug 2019)

Initial public release after a long time of internal development