Recommended query runners

Important: A ts-sql-query connection object and the queries runners objects received as constructor's arguments represent a dedicated connection; consequently, don't share connections between requests when you are handling HTTP requests; create one connection object per request with its own query runners. Even when the ts-sql-query connection object uses a query runner that receives a connection pool, the ts-sql-query connection sill represents a dedicated connection to the database extracted automatically from the pool and must not be shared.


It allows to execute the queries using a better-sqlite3 connection.

Supported databases: sqlite

import { BetterSqlite3QueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/BetterSqlite3QueryRunner";
import * as betterSqlite3 from "better-sqlite3";

const db = betterSqlite3('foobar.db', options);

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new BetterSqlite3QueryRunner(db));
    // Do your queries here

Note: better-sqlite3 supports synchronous query execution. See Synchronous query runners for more information.

better-sqlite3 and UUIDs

To work with UUIDs in Sqlite the default strategy is uuid-extension that requires the uuid extension; you can provide a compatible implementation as indicated here:

import * as betterSqlite3 from "better-sqlite3";
import { fromBinaryUUID, toBinaryUUID } from "binary-uuid";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";

const db = betterSqlite3(/* ... */);

// Implement uuid extension functions

db.function('uuid', uuidv4)
db.function('uuid_str', fromBinaryUUID)
db.function('uuid_blob', toBinaryUUID)

// ...

Note: The binary representation of this implementation is not aimed to be compatible with the uuid extension.


mariadb (with a connection pool)

It allows to execute the queries using a mariadb connection pool.

Supported databases: mariaDB, mySql

import { createPool } from "mariadb";
import { MariaDBPoolQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/MariaDBPoolQueryRunner";

const pool = createPool({
    host: '', 
    user: 'myUser', 
    password: 'myPwd',
    database: 'myDB',
    connectionLimit: 5

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new MariaDBPoolQueryRunner(pool));
    // Do your queries here

mariadb (with a connection)

It allows to execute the queries using a mariadb connection.

Supported databases: mariaDB, mySql

import { createPool } from "mariadb";
import { MariaDBQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/MariaDBQueryRunner";

const pool = createPool({
    host: '', 
    user: 'myUser', 
    password: 'myPwd',
    database: 'myDB',
    connectionLimit: 5

async function main() {
    const mariaDBConnection = await pool.getConnection();
    try {
        const connection = new DBConnection(new MariaDBQueryRunner(mariaDBConnection));
        // Do your queries here
    } finally {


mssql (with a connection pool promise)

It allows to execute the queries using a mssql connection pool promise.

Supported databases: sqlServer

import { ConnectionPool } from 'mssql'
import { MssqlPoolPromiseQueryRunner } from "./queryRunners/MssqlPoolPromiseQueryRunner";

const poolPromise = new ConnectionPool({
    user: '...',
    password: '...',
    server: 'localhost',
    database: '...'

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new MssqlPoolPromiseQueryRunner(poolPromise));
    // Do your queries here

mssql (with a connection pool)

It allows to execute the queries using a mssql connection pool.

Supported databases: sqlServer

import { ConnectionPool } from 'mssql'
import { MssqlPoolQueryRunner } from "./queryRunners/MssqlPoolQueryRunner";

const poolPromise = new ConnectionPool({
    user: '...',
    password: '...',
    server: 'localhost',
    database: '...'

async function main() {
    const mssqlPool = await poolPromise;
    const connection = new DBConnection(new MssqlPoolQueryRunner(mssqlPool));
    // Do your queries here


mysql2 (with a connection pool)

It allows to execute the queries using a mysql2 connection pool.

Supported databases: mariaDB, mySql

import { createPool } from "mysql2";
import { MySql2PoolQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/MySql2PoolQueryRunner";

const pool = createPool({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'user',
  password: 'secret',
  database: 'test',
  waitForConnections: true,
  connectionLimit: 10,
  queueLimit: 0

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new MySql2PoolQueryRunner(pool));
    // Do your queries here

mysql2 (with a connection)

It allows to execute the queries using a mysql2 connection.

Supported databases: mariaDB, mySql

import { createPool } from "mysql2";
import { MySql2QueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/MySql2QueryRunner";

const pool = createPool({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'user',
  password: 'secret',
  database: 'test',
  waitForConnections: true,
  connectionLimit: 10,
  queueLimit: 0

function main() {
    pool.getConnection((error, mysql2Connection) => {
        if (error) {
            throw error;
        try {
            const connection = new DBConnection(new MySql2QueryRunner(mysql2Connection));
            doYourLogic(connection).finnaly(() => {
        } catch(e) {
            throw e;

async doYourLogic(connection: DBConnection) {
    // Do your queries here


oracledb (with a connection pool promise)

It allows to execute the queries using an oracledb connection pool promise.

Supported databases: oracle

import { createPool } from 'oracledb';
import { OracleDBPoolPromiseQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/OracleDBPoolPromiseQueryRunner";

const poolPromise = createPool({
    user: 'user',
    password: 'pwd',
    connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1'

async function closePoolAndExit() {
    try {
        const pool = await poolPromise;
        await pool.close(10);
    } catch(err) {

  .once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
  .once('SIGINT',  closePoolAndExit)
  .once('beforeExit',  closePoolAndExit);

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new OracleDBPoolPromiseQueryRunner(poolPromise));
    // Do your queries here

oracledb (with a connection pool)

It allows to execute the queries using an oracledb connection pool.

Supported databases: oracle

import { createPool } from 'oracledb';
import { OracleDBPoolQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/OracleDBPoolQueryRunner";

const poolPromise = createPool({
    user: 'user',
    password: 'pwd',
    connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1'

async function closePoolAndExit() {
    try {
        const pool = await poolPromise;
        await pool.close(10);
    } catch(err) {

  .once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
  .once('SIGINT',  closePoolAndExit)
  .once('beforeExit',  closePoolAndExit);

async function main() {
    const pool = await poolPromise;
    const connection = new DBConnection(new OracleDBPoolQueryRunner(pool));
    // Do your queries here

oracledb (with a connection)

It allows to execute the queries using an oracledb connection.

Supported databases: oracle

import { createPool } from 'oracledb';
import { OracleDBQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/OracleDBQueryRunner";

async function init() {
    try {
        await createPool({
            user: 'user',
            password: 'pwd',
            connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1'
        await main();
    } finally {
        await closePoolAndExit();

async function closePoolAndExit() {
    try {
        await oracledb.getPool().close(10);
    } catch(err) {

  .once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
  .once('SIGINT',  closePoolAndExit)
  .once('beforeExit',  closePoolAndExit);


async function main() {
    const oracleConnection = await oracledb.getConnection();
    try {
        const connection = new DBConnection(new OracleDBQueryRunner(oracleConnection));
        // Do your queries here
    } finally {
        await oracleConnection.close();


pg (with a connection pool)

It allows to execute the queries using a pg connection pool.

Supported databases: postgreSql

import { Pool, PoolClient } from 'pg';
import { PgPoolQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/PgPoolQueryRunner";

const pool = new Pool({
    user: 'dbuser',
    host: '',
    database: 'mydb',
    password: 'secretpassword',
    port: 3211,

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new PgPoolQueryRunner(pool));
    // Do your queries here

pg (with a connection)

It allows to execute the queries using a pg connection.

Supported databases: postgreSql

import { Pool, PoolClient } from 'pg';
import { PgQueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/PgQueryRunner";

const pool = new Pool({
    user: 'dbuser',
    host: '',
    database: 'mydb',
    password: 'secretpassword',
    port: 3211,

async function main() {
    const pgConnection = await pool.connect();
    try {
        const connection = new DBConnection(new PgQueryRunner(pgConnection));
        // Do your queries here
    } finally {


It allows to execute the queries using a postgres (aka Postgres.js) connection.

Supported databases: postgreSql

import * as postgres from 'postgres';
import { PostgresQueryRunner } from '../queryRunners/PostgresQueryRunner';

const sql = postgres({
    user: 'dbuser',
    host: '',
    database: 'mydb',
    password: 'secretpassword',
    port: 3211,

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new PostgresQueryRunner(sql));
    // Do your queries here

Limitation: Low-level transaction management functions (connection.beginTransaction, connection.commit, connection.rollback) are not supported; you must use connection.transaction instead.

Note: Be aware postgres.js is pooled automatically; you don't need additional steps to use a connection pool.


It allows to execute the queries using an sqlite3 connection.

Supported databases: sqlite

import { Database } from 'sqlite3';
import { Sqlite3QueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/Sqlite3QueryRunner";

const db = new Database('./database.sqlite');

async function main() {
    const connection = new DBConnection(new Sqlite3QueryRunner(db));
    // Do your queries here

sqlite-wasm OO1

It allows to execute the queries using an Object Oriented API 1 in Web Assembly.

Supported databases: sqlite

import sqlite3InitModule from '';
import { Sqlite3WasmOO1QueryRunner } from "ts-sql-query/queryRunners/Sqlite3WasmOO1QueryRunner";

async function main() {
    const sqlite3 = await sqlite3InitModule();
    const db: Database = new sqlite3.oo1.DB();
    const connection = new DBConnection(new Sqlite3WasmOO1QueryRunner(db));
    // Do your queries here

Note: better-sqlite3 supports synchronous query execution. See Synchronous query runners for more information.